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4. Expo Szkół Niepublicznych, 10 lutego 2024 r.     O tegorocznych targach  


Akademeia High School - 27.09.2021 r.

Akademeia Prep Courses - let’s start your academic journey with AHS

Academeia Prep Courses are an ideal way to experience our innovative approach to learning. Conducted online, by AHS teachers, in English.

Akademeia High School - 27.09.2021 r.

Akademeia High School Open Day, All Invited!: 16.10.2021

Zapraszamy na pierwszy w tym roku szkolnym wirtualny Dzień Otwarty! Zobacz, co Akademeia High School ma do zaoferowania!

Monnet International School - 17.09.2021 r.

Spotkanie informacyjne dla Rodziców Kandydatów do szkoły podstawowej

Serdecznie zapraszamy Rodziców kandydatów do zerówki szkolnej i pierwszej klasy szkoły podstawowej w roku szkolnym 2022/2023

Monnet International School - 17.09.2021 r.

Kursy przygotowawcze do egzaminów wstępnych do liceum Monneta

Odpowiadając na coroczne oczekiwania kandydatów do liceum Monneta, zorganizowaliśmy kursy przygotowujące do egzaminów.

American School of Warsaw - 10.09.2021 r.

ASW IB Results 2021

We are very proud to share that our graduating class of 2021 exceeded the IB world averages in multiple categories.

The Canadian School of Warsaw - 13.06.2021 r.

Dance Monkeys of the CSW

Please watch and share our First Graders, putting a bit of cuteness and craziness into the final stretch of this difficult school year.

Warsaw Montessori Family - 9.06.2021 r.

Casa dei Bambini Summer School

5 July- 6 August Casa dei Bambini is inviting 1-6 year olds to its annual Summer School at Badowska 19 campus.

Akademeia High School - 2.06.2021 r.

Summer School at Akademeia High School

AHS organises Summer School courses open to both our own and external students. Our 2021 courses will run from 28th June to 2nd July.

The Canadian School of Warsaw - 24.05.2021 r.

Good luck 8th Graders!

You dealt beautifully with the whole year of challenges. You can do the same with your National 8th Grade Exams!

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