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Questions to ask private schools in Poland

Some key questions to ask private and non-public schools in Poland

Are you considering a private or non-public school for your child in Poland? If so, there are many great options to choose from. This includes schools in Warsaw, Kraków, Poznań, Wrocław, Łódź, Gdańsk, Szczecin, Bydgoszcz, Lublin, and Rzeszów.  continue reading...

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Before you select a school, make sure you do your research. Check out school websites and read in-depth school profiles here on Our Kids – Poland.

Also, make sure to visit each school you’re serious about. You should ask them plenty of questions, to get a feel for the school and decide whether it’s a good fit for your child and family. Below, we discuss eight important questions to ask private schools in Poland. We suggest you print this list and bring it with you to school visits.

Eight questions to ask Polish private schools

  1. What is your school philosophy?

    A school’s philosophy refers to how it approaches education. This includes everything from academics, to community, student life, and extracurriculars. You’ll want to make sure a school’s philosophy is consistent with your beliefs and values about education and schooling.

    Find out as much as you can about a school’s philosophy and approach. Just as important, find out how this gets implemented in the classroom and in the day-to-day life of the school community.

    Key questions to ask:
    • What are the key elements of your school philosophy?
    • Do you have any documents where it’s formally communicated, such as a mission statement?
    • How does your philosophy get implemented in practise, both in and outside the classroom?
  2. What type of student are you looking for?

    Most schools accept many different types of students. This includes students of diverse backgrounds, academic profiles, learning profiles, and personalities.

    Many schools, though, target certain types of students. For instance, they might prefer students who are highly academic, sporty, artistic, enthusiastic, or mature (or potentially all of these). You should find out which kinds of students a school is looking for. This can help you decide whether your family and child are a good fit and give you a leg up in the application and admissions process.

    Key questions to ask:
    • What does your ideal student look like?
    • What are their key characteristics, e.g., academically, socially, etc.?
    • Which characteristics do you place the most emphasis on in the admissions process?
  3. What curriculum do you use?

    You’ll want to make sure your child is a good academic fit for the school. This means finding out about a school’s curriculum, which refers to what material is taught and how it’s taught.

    You should find out whether the school follows a national curriculum, such as that of Poland, the US, or Britain. You should also ask what the school’s curricular approach is, that is, whether it has a particular curricular philosophy.

    Key questions to ask:
    • Which national or regional curriculum do you follow, if any?
    • Do you have a specific curricular approach, and if so, what is it? For instance, is it a Montessori, Waldorf, Reggio Emilia, or IB approach?
    • How does your curricular approach translate into the classroom at different levels? What kinds of classroom practices and policies do you have?
  4. What are your class sizes and student-to-teacher ratios?

    Class is size is a really important factor affecting the quality of education. Many believe that smaller classes and lower student-to-teacher ratios have clear benefits, such as increased student participation, engagement, and interaction, and more tailored instruction.

    Find out about the size of classes and student-to-teacher ratios for each level of the school. Also ask how class size squares with the school’s overall teaching philosophy and approach, and how teachers take advantage of it in the classroom.

    Key questions to ask:
    • What are your class sizes and student-to-teacher ratios for each grade level?
    • If you have small classes, how do you take advantage of them?
    • How does class size inform or affect your curricular approach?
  5. How much is tuition and what does it include?

    Private and non-public schools in Poland have a wide range of prices. Tuition can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000 a year.

    The cost of tuition will depend on many things, including school facilities, resources, equipment, and extracurriculars. There also may be extra expenses not covered by tuition, such as school uniforms, textbooks, and field trips.

    Key questions to ask:
    • How much is annual tuition?
    • What does tuition include and not include?
    • Do you offer subsidies or bursaries to help defray the cost of tuition?
  6. What extracurricular activities do you offer?

    Extracurriculars are a great way to round out your child’s education. Whether your child is athletic, artistic, or politically oriented, participating in an out-of-class activity can be a great way to pursue and deepen an interest or passion.

    Many Poland private schools offer a wide range of extracurricular activities. In addition to sports and arts, this often includes after-school and lunch clubs, science programs, technology classes, social and political clubs, and community service programs.

    Key questions to ask:
    • What kinds of extracurricular activities do you offer?
    • When and how often do these activities take place?
    • Are these activities covered by annual tuition? If not, how much do they cost?
  7. What is your school environment like?

    It’s important that your child go to a school with the right kind of environment. You’ll want them to be at a school where they feel comfortable.

    You should find out as much as you can about a school’s environment. Is it a warm and welcoming place? What is the culture like? How do students interact with each other? How do staff interact with students?

    Key questions to ask:
    • What is student life like at school?
    • Does your school have a close-knit community?
    • Do your students generally get along?
    • How do you deal with ‘problem’ students?
  8. What are your school’s facilities?

    Schools in Poland differ in what kinds of facilities and resources they have. Some schools have new state-of-the-art buildings, equipment, and class resources. Others have less impressive facilities and resources.

    Having said that, certain kinds of resources are more important than others. And families have their own priorities. You should think carefully about which resources are important to you and why.

    Key questions to ask:
    • Do you have many new buildings, facilities, and resources?
    • How much money do you allocate to these things on a yearly basis?
    • Which resources will my child have access to and what limitations are there to this access?
    • Are there any new buildings, facilities, or resources you’re planning on adding in the near future?

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