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Private gifted schools and programs in Poland

Private and non-public gifted schools in Poland

Lots of private schools in Poland provide education for gifted or advanced students. This includes schools in Warsaw, Kraków, Poznań, Wrocław, Łódź, Gdańsk, Szczecin, Bydgoszcz, Lublin, and Rzeszów.

Some of these are international schools offering English and/or bilingual, Polish-English instruction. These schools can be a great option for students from Canada, the US, Britain, and other countries. They can also be a nice fit for local residents of Poland.  continue reading...

List of schools

School  ( = Featured ) Grades Type Languages / Type
3 The British School Warsaw

ul. Limanowskiego 15, Warszawa, 02-943
Nursery (2,5 years) to Gr. 12 Diploma programme
English National Curriculum
International Baccalaureate
English, Polish
Diploma programme
English National Curriculum
International Baccalaureate
3 Monnet International School

Zbierska 5, Warszawa, 00-745
PS/Kindergarten (2,5 years) to Gr. 12 Diploma programme
International Baccalaureate
Middle years programme
Primary years programme
English, Polish
Diploma programme
International Baccalaureate
Middle years programme
Primary years programme
1 The Canadian School of Warsaw

7 Bełska Street, Warsaw, 02-638
PS/Kindergarten (2,5 years) to Gr. 8 International Baccalaureate
Polish Curriculum (Ministry of National Eduction, MEN)
Primary years programme
English, French, Polish
International Baccalaureate
Polish Curriculum (Ministry of National Eduction, MEN)
Primary years programme
1 International Trilingual School of Warsaw

ul. Alfreda Nobla 16, Warszawa, 03-930
Nursery (12 months) to Gr. 8 American Curriculum
English National Curriculum
French National Curriculum
Polish Curriculum (Ministry of National Eduction, MEN)
Chinese, English, French, Japanese, Polish, Spanish
American Curriculum
English National Curriculum
French National Curriculum
Polish Curriculum (Ministry of National Eduction, MEN)

On this page:

Types of gifted schools and programs in Poland

Some private and non-public schools in Poland are devoted exclusively to gifted education. Others offer full- or part-time gifted classes or programs. And yet others provide in-class accommodations to a gifted learner in a regular classroom.

Below, we describe the main types of gifted programming in Poland.

Dedicated gifted schools

If your child’s a gifted learner, one option is to place your child in a school for gifted kids only. In these schools, all the children are advanced learners. The curriculum is accelerated or enriched in various ways, to suit the needs of the students as a whole.

Full-time gifted classes

Another option for gifted kids is a full-time, self-contained gifted classroom, which exists parallel to non-gifted classes in the school. As with schools for gifted kids, in this setting, your child learns exclusively with other advanced learners. This allows your child to interact with peers with similar abilities and interests. And your child will learn from teachers with focused training in gifted education.

In-class adaptations

A different approach to gifted education involves making in-class adaptations or modifications. As long as the teacher has the right training and resources, these adjustments can be made within a regular classroom. Instead of a full-time gifted class or school, then, you might choose a regular school or class that can support the special needs of your child.

There’s a wide range of in-class adaptations that can be made for your gifted child. They include the following (see Being Smart about Gifted Education by Dona Matthews and Joanne Foster for a thorough discussion of these):

Other education options for gifted students in Poland

Poland has great private gifted schools and programs. Other schools in Poland, while not devoted to gifted learning, provide learning environments which can support advanced students through in-class accommodations.

There are also other options for gifted students in Poland. Some private schools provide challenging programs with high-level academics. For instance, there are International Baccalaureate (IB), Advanced Placement (AP), Montessori, and Waldorf schools In Poland. You might consider one of these schools for your gifted child.

International Baccalaureate schools

Many private and non-public schools in Poland offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. The IB is offered at the primary, middle, and high school level. It provides a challenging, university-level curriculum, which is internationally-sanctioned and recognized around the world. The IB can be a great option for your gifted child. They’ll work through a curriculum, be held to high standards, and learn with other high achievers.

Advanced Placement schools

Some Poland schools offer Advanced Placement (AP) courses. AP courses are offered at the high school level. There are AP courses in a wide range of subjects, including math, science, history, computer science, foreign languages, and economics. Like the IB, AP courses can offer just the right challenge for gifted students. A special feature of AP schools is that your child can elect to take AP courses only in those subjects they thrive in or are looking for more of a challenge in.

Montessori schools

Montessori schools offer a student-centred approach to learning. These schools don’t force-feed students a standard curriculum through lectures. Instead, from preschool to high school, Montessori students mostly select their own learning activities, with some help from the teacher. They also do lots of concrete learning, both on their own and in groups. This individualized approach to learning is a great fit for many gifted learners. With some guidance, your child can choose tasks that motivate and challenge them, and move through the curriculum at their own pace. And since Montessori schools have multi-age classes, your child can also learn with and from older students.

Waldorf schools

Like Montessori schools, Waldorf schools offer an alternative approach to education. Teachers rarely try to impart knowledge to students through lectures or direct instruction. Instead, students engage in plenty of self-directed learning through a curriculum that’s tailored to their level and interests. This can allow your gifted child to move at their own (perhaps accelerated) pace, and choose engaging and challenging activities. If your gifted child has an artistic bent, Waldorf can be an especially good fit, since it emphasizes arts, crafts, and imaginative and creative learning.

Language schools

There are lots of private schools with specialized language programs in Poland. For instance, Poland has several English-language and bilingual, Polish-English schools. Most also offer intensive foreign language courses. These schools are ideal for many gifted students, especially those who excel in and enjoy learning languages.

Benefits of Poland gifted programs

If your child is gifted in one or more subjects and is having trouble engaging in school, this is a great reason to seek out a gifted program. Luckily, there are private and non-public schools with gifted programming all across Poland.

Below, we discuss some of the main benefits of gifted schools and programs in Poland. To learn about the benefits of private schools in Poland in general, read our guide. We also provide advice for choosing a private school in Poland.

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