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4. Expo Szkół Niepublicznych, 10 lutego 2024 r.     O tegorocznych targach  


GAUDEAMUS – Dwujęzyczne Szkoły Podstawowe - 31.03.2020 r.

Szkoła Gaudemus w sieci

Nasi nauczyciele, uczniowie i ich rodzice mocno zaangażowali się w przeniesienie szkoły do sieci, gdzie obecnie pracujemy.

International American School of Warsaw - 23.03.2020 r.

IAS Video Bulletin March 23-27, 2020

For the duration of the school closing period, the weekly bulletin will be delivered as a video message from the Principal of IAS

International American School of Warsaw - 23.03.2020 r.

Virtual Learning at IAS during COVID-19 outbreak

To help you through the school closing period, we have prepared a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) handbook and screencast.

International American School of Warsaw - 23.03.2020 r.

Skype meetings for Prospective Parents at IAS during COVID-19 outbreak

If you are interested in enrolling your child or children to IAS, we are at your disposal to set up a Skype meeting with you and your family.

Monnet International School - 22.03.2020 r.

Dzień Otwarty online

W związku z epidemią zapraszamy na spotkanie dla kandydatów on-line, które odbędzie się 28 marca o godz. 11.00.

Monnet International School - 12.03.2020 r.

Doświadczenie 10 lat nauki w programie IB

Posłuchaj uczennicy programu IB Pauliny, która przeszła przez wszystkie etapy programu: PYP, MYP i IB DP.

Pro Futuro - 12.02.2020 r.

Dzień otwarty Szkół Pro Futuro - 7 marca 2020 r.

Zapraszamy na Dzień Otwarty w naszych Szkołach. Oczekujemy na Was 7 marca 2020 r. w godzinach 10.00-14.00.

KIDS&CO. - 2.09.2019 r.

Is it time for school? About school maturity

Are your children ready to start school? How do you know when it's time for them begin?

The British School Warsaw - 26.08.2019 r.

Unleash your child's creativity

Creativity isn't a trait unique to those who pursue the arts. Educators say its a way of thinking that leads to imaginative solutions.

The British School Warsaw - 21.08.2019 r.

The importance of STEAM learning

The jobs of tomorrow might not have yet been imagined. Here's how we nurture the skills your child needs to succeed in in the 21st century.

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