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4. Expo Szkół Niepublicznych, 10 lutego 2024 r.     O tegorocznych targach  

International American School of Warsaw
23.03.2020 r.

Virtual Learning at IAS during COVID-19 outbreak

Dear Parents and Students,

To help you through the school closing period, we have prepared a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) handbook and screencast. Both provide easy to follow instructions for logging into the MS Office system and using the Teams application for video conferencing. Teachers will be conducting lessons through this platform for the duration of the school closing period.

Please find the VLE handbook and screencast here:

Parents, we ask that you please oversee your child’s attendance to his/her lessons.

Students, we ask that you conduct yourselves in the same manner as you would in a traditionally supervised classroom. The school’s Behaviour Management Policy remains in place. We expect the class chatrooms to be respectful and focused on academics.

Students will be given a lot of self directed work during this time. While we are not gathered together under one roof, we still have the same expectations for meeting our curriculum goals. We therefore ask students and parents to work together with our teachers to create a successful home learning environment.

If you have any technical issues, you can contact our IT specialist, Mr. Mehdi, at:

School phone: 22 649 1440 ext #4

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 786 929 786

For issues related to the school closing in general, please contact myself at:

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 693 182 427

We wish for everyone to be safe and happy during this trying time. We will follow the events in closely, both in Poland and globally, and remain in close contact. I’m sure some good can come out of the experience for all of us.

Thank you,

Matthew Krasner



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