The Maria Montessori No One Knows: 'Enemy alien' in India (Part 2 of 2)

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In the first of this two-part series, educational consultant Robert Gardner writes about the crisis Maria Montessori faced when her son, Mario, was born out of wedlock and how that crisis contributed to the development of her thinking about the capacities of children. In this article, Gardner explores how Montessori's experiences as an "enemy alien" in India during World War II contributed to her understanding of language development in the very young.

Mario and Maria Montessori

Just before the outbreak of World War II, Maria Montessori and her son were invited to visit India. At the time of the invitation, Mariawas a mature woman of 69.

It was the beginning of a trip of discovery which had profound implications for Maria and her philosophy. Like her earlier experiences surrounding the birth of her son, the journey to India created another time of crisis, which brought her to new realizations about the unique capacities of the very young.

The stay in India began in 1939 but, unexpectedly, it was to last until 1946, well after World War II had come to a conclusion.

Perhaps it was somewhat naïve of the Montessoris to make the trip to the subcontinent. As part of the British Empire, India was at odds with the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini and his Fascist state. In fact, when Italy declared war on Great Britain on June 10, 1940, Maria and her son were immediately identified as "enemy aliens." Maria was stunned. Everything in her training and in her personal and religious philosophy placed her squarely against the Italian dictator. Fundamentally she was a pacifist and someone who believed that all people were substantially the same. There was nothing in her ideas that reflected the bombastic and racist notions of Mussolini and the extreme right in Italian political life.

Adding to the trauma of the situation was her son's actual imprisonment. Maria, in deference to her advanced years (she was almost 70), was allowed to continue with her work in lecturing on the Montessori method to Indian audiences. The difficulty was that, Maria — for all her brilliance as a scholar and a teacher — had no facility with the English language. Without her son's assistance as an interpreter, she was, quite literally, struck dumb. All around her were sympathetic people with whom she could not communicate beyond the most basic of ways. She was embarrassed and felt a sense of extreme humiliation.

Maria Montessori in India

Dark Days in India Lead to Enlightenment

Only an individual who has been in a similar situation could understand how a highly educated person would feel when it is impossible to speak even at the level of a very young child. Those were dark days for Maria and only the kindness of her Indian friends made the situation tolerable.

Out of the sense of isolation and embarrassment, Maria could not help but notice that infants seemed able to absorb a capacity for language innately. She watched in fascination as they learned, in a very short time, the beginnings of their own language (often an Indian dialect) and English. She realized that language acquisition has nothing to do with will or discipline; it was a propensity or drive, which is innate to every child. She also came face to face with the painful realization that after a certain time, the adult faces great difficulty in acquiring a second language.*

She said, famously, that at a point in our maturation our mind does not develop as a child's does and we simply "grow older." That point, she theorized, may be at the end of adolescence. It became clear to her that actual language acquisition with complete fluency is largely unconscious in the child. It does not matter how difficult the language — whether it is Latin, Sanskrit, Greek, or any of the thousands of dialects in the world —the child will learn to speak with fluency the language it hears on a daily basis in the home.

Discovering Where the 'Arc of Development' Begins

Maria, from her earlier studies of accounts of "wild children" raised in total isolation, knew full well that a child who does not grow hearing language around him or her will not develop the capacity to speak. Such children are mute, not because they have any intrinsic deficiency, but because they have not been exposed to words and sentence structure during their most important developmental period. Further, these children, even after they were returned to civilization, never developed the capacity to converse. Experts who have attempted to reverse this situation in totally isolated children have always been frustrated in their attempts. No amount of remedial effort will reverse the situation.

She agonized over the idea that some children, left in isolation in nurseries, or left with nannies who were either uneducated or not motivated to speak with the children under their care, could actually suffer intellectual damage. It became clear to her that the arc of development began at birth. She actually felt that so-called "poorer" children who were constantly with the parents might fare better linguistically than wealthy children who were deprived of social contact. 

Maria Montessori

Always an avid reader, she commented on a study she had encountered in the 1940s where "some Belgianpsychologist had found that the child of two and a half has only 200 or 300 words, but at six he knows thousands. And this all happens without a teacher (other than the family). It is a spontaneous acquisition. After the child has done all this by himself, we send him to school and offer, as a "great treat," to teach him the alphabet. Her tone is ironic for she had no great admiration for standard educational techniques.

Montessori fully appreciated that the child will only learn to speak fluently a language which he or she hears in the daily environment. Moreover, the capacity to use words and then to create meaningful sentences with all the correct tonalities and correct grammatical structures is something that the child acquires, almost unconsciously, in the process of hearing the language correctly spoken. In an excerpt from her work, The Absorbent Mind, she may have been thinking of her own experience when she said: "In a foreign country, we adults cannot even detect all the sounds we hear, far less reproduce them vocally. We can only use the machinery of our own language; no one but a child can construct his own machinery and so learn to perfection as many languages as he hears spoken about him."

It has been noted by many observers that even very cultured individuals who do acquire a second language in later life will always speak that language with an accent no matter how diligently they attempt to erase the traces of their mother tongue.

Finding Freedom for Mario

After this time of great trial in Maria's life and the sense of isolation which she endured, in an unprecedented move for a country at war with Italy, the Indian authorities decided to give Maria Montessori a special gift for her 70th birthday. In a complete and utter surprise, they released Mario from detention and he was able to resume his task as his mother's helper and official interpreter.

It was only at this point that Maria could begin work on what became her major work. Few individuals realize that The Absorbent Mind, the culmination of all of her thinking and decades of research and observation, had its genesis in India. It was based on her lectures to Indian audiences during her enforced exile. She always lectured in a precise and melodic Italian, which was translated painstakingly by Mario into English.

Maria Montessori

It is difficult to estimate how fluent Mario was since he was not a highly educated man. Apparently, his mother would gently correct some of his translations from time to time. Later Maria took all of Mario's notes and wrote an Italian version of the material for a book intended for publication in Italy. It was this Italian version that was eventually translated into English by another Montessori disciple, a gentleman named Claude A. Claremont. The English version was published in Madras, India in 1949. In various editions, the book has sold thousands of copies in the ensuing half century.

Maria's time of isolation and relative helplessness made her even more empathetic to the state of the child as it develops. The infant has huge capacities that are constantly underestimated by the adult mind. The babbling of a baby may strike the adult observer as mindless and little more than noise. In fact, it is a necessary precursor to the development of language and the entire linguistic variety of a particular tongue. Only the adult who, in a foreign environment, has experienced the helplessness and inadequacy of not being able to communicate with others will fully empathize with the journey of the child. Fundamentally, Maria came to the realization that in many ways the capacities of the developing child are actually greater than our own. This was, and still is, the keystone to her educational approach.

It is strange to see that sometimes periods of crisis can provide an individual with a great gift. Maria Montessori's experiences, in the unfortunate circumstances surrounding the birth of her child, and her enforced isolation in India, provided her with the gift of insight into the incredible — and previously unimaginable — capacities of the infant.

As a footnote to this story, it is important to realize that the Indian people never forgot Maria Montessori's contribution to education in their country. In 1970, they honoured her by placing her image on a stamp, which celebrated her presence for so long a duration in their country.

1970 Maria Montessori India Stamp

*A famous example of the inability of even a great mind to acquire language in later years is offered by the experience of Napoleon Bonaparte. During his six years of exile in St. Helena after his defeat at the Battle of Waterloo, he never learned to speak more than a few words in English. In part, he depended on a prepubescent English girl, Betsy Balcombe, to act as his interpreter in his interactions with his British captors.

—Robert Gardner
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Bond Academy

Toronto, Ontario
Ellesmere Rd/Birchmount Rd
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"Our Beyond the Books approach provides opportunities for students’ academic & personal growth, nurturing students' confidence & self-esteem and willingness to take risks through the classroom & organized activities.

  1. Character Education
  2. Free Before/After School Program
  3. Weekly Swimming Lessons
  4. Early start French Classes

—From the school

  • Gr. PS to 12 (Coed)
  • Liberal Arts curriculum
  • $14,000 to $17,500
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Bond Academy 14000 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Homestay Coed
Toronto, Ontario
Spadina Ave/College Street
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"Authentic, CCMA accredited Montessori Schools located in downtown Toronto, offering programs for Toddlers, Casa, Elementary and Adolescent children in beautiful settings with large and expansive natural playgrounds." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 8 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $21,500 to $23,900
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Westside Montessori School 21500 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Bayview/Hwy 407
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"Lauremont School is a leading, accredited independent school that offers a unique design of Montessori and International Baccalaureate programmes. Our students thrive in academics while building a foundation for life." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 12 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • $21,690 to $38,255
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Lauremont School 21690 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Coed
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"We identify experiences that enhance learning, empowering individuals while fostering a community of collaborative contributors. This is achieved through interdisciplinary projects that are seamlessly integrated." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 12 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $9,000 to $16,000
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Westmont Montessori School 9000 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Day Day Coed
Burlington, Ontario
Walkers Line/Fairveiw Street
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"Ashwood Glen offers a Montessori program for children aged 18months—6 yrs. The Grades 1—8 Learning Program applies the International Baccalaureate framework to expand on the learning outcomes of the Ontario curriculum." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 8 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • $14,000 to $20,000
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Ashwood Glen 14000 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Oakville, Ontario
Winston Churchill/Lakeshore Road East
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"Clanmore is one of the few schools offering authentic Montessori programming from Toddler - Middle School. Our culture is warm and inviting and our philosophy empowers us to support each child as a unique individual." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 8 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $10,250 to $21,000
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Clanmore Montessori School 10250 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Oakville, Ontario
Trafalgar Road/Dundas
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"TRMS uniquely provides enriched French as a second language (FSL) instruction for all levels from Preschool to Elementary. We give students a head start in their educational journey, instilling a "Love of Learning!"" —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 3 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $15,695 to $17,375
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Trafalgar Ridge Montessori School 15695 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary Day Coed
Scarborough, Ontario
Kennedy Road/Progress Avenue
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"Enquiring Minds Montessori is a one-of-a-kind Montessori Art School. We have created a unique learning experience that fosters academic and artistic excellence in a nurturing environment while challenging young minds." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 6 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $11,158 to $17,500
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Enquiring Minds Montessori 11158 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary Day Coed
Toronto, Ontario
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"At Central Montessori School (CMS), young minds are inspired to be creative, innovative, and inquisitive. We cultivate bright, young leaders and strong communicators ready for the 21st century." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 6 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $9,400 to $21,200
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Central Montessori Schools 9400 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary Day Day Day Coed
Mississauga, Ontario
Lakeshore Road/Southdown
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"Peel Montessori and Carrington College div. students learn above grade level for subjects of strength. Individualized curriculum, advanced academic strategies, and character development give students a personal edge." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 8 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum; Montessori
  • $9,500 to $18,500
  • Day school
  • 150 students
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Peel Montessori School 9500 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Yonge Street/Silverwood Ave.
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"Century Private School is located in Richmond Hill, and our campus occupies 12 acres of land. Our programs runs from preschool to grade twelve, with small class ratio to ensure best learning for our students." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum; Montessori
  • $18,500 to $28,500
  • Day school
  • 250 students
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Century Private School 18500 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Coed
Toronto, Ontario
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"Humberside Montessori School is internationally recognized and accredited by Association Montessori Internationale (AMI). Our AMI certified teachers provide an authentic Montessori experience for our students." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 8 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $5,386 to $22,000
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Humberside Montessori School 5386 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Toronto, Ontario
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"Guidepost Montessori at The Annex, located near downtown Toronto, offers early childhood programs to fuel independence, confidence, and joy from 2 years old, as well as preschool, kindergarten, and 1st - 6th grade." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 8 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $21,240 to $31,200
  • Day school
  • 60 students
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Guidepost Montessori 21240 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Markham, Ontario
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"Our curriculum are designed to build essential skills and concepts that help with the cognitive, social, creative, emotional, and physical development of your child with the aim to be a successful learner for life!" —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 3 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $10,500 to $16,500
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Sunrise Montessori School 10500 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary Day Coed
Mississauga, Ontario
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"Shepherd Montessori Private Catholic School in Mississauga offers Casa Montessori programs for children a ged 2.5 to 6. Before- and after-school care and summer camps also available." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to SK (Coed)
  • Montessori approach
  • $7,800 to $12,800
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Shepherd Montessori Private Catholic School 7800 Preschool Kindergarten Day Coed
Brantford, Ontario
Charlotte St/Chatham St
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"Located in Brantford, Ontario, Montessori House of Children (MHC) provides excellent programs for grades Nursery to 3 and helps young children reach their learning potential with both independent and self-directed learning. MHC also offers support for students with learning differences." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to SK (Coed)
  • Montessori approach
  • $12,000 to $13,000
  • Day school
  • 41 students
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Montessori House of Children 12000 Preschool Kindergarten Day Coed
Markham, Ontario
Woodbine Ave/Major Mackenzie Dr E
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"Royal Cachet has authentic Montessori programs from infants to grade 3 in our healthy & safe environments. We focus on the Language & Math areas of the Montessori Curriculum & encourage our students to grow and succeed." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 3 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $7,600 to $12,900
  • Day school
  • 320 students
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Royal Cachet Montessori School 7600 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary Day Coed
Oshawa, Ontario
Wilson Road/Adelaide Ave
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"At G.B.MS, D.E.P.S and Durham Academy Secondary school focus is on each individual student and helping them meet their unique potential and goals. We believe in excellent customer service and families have a voice. Throughout the year we enhance our programs through program enhancement and enrichment." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 12 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum; Montessori
  • $10,400 to $14,000
  • Day, Homestay
  • 187 students
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Durham Elementary, Durham Academy and G.B.M.S. 10400 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Homestay Day Coed
Toronto, Ontario
Lawrence Ave./Bathurst St.
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"The Clover School's innovative curriculum combines Montessori essentials with heart-centred learning practices designed to nurture the ​mind​, heart, health, and soul of each child." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 6 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $25,312 to $26,290
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The Clover School 25312 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary Day Coed
Mississauga, Ontario
Mavis Road/Burnhamthorpe Road West
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"Our mission is to empower students to become compassionate and engaged citizens who are capable of using their academic, artistic, and environmental knowledge to effect positive change in their communities." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 8 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum; Montessori
  • $8,400 to $10,600
  • Day school
  • 75 students
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Monarch Academy 8400 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Ottawa, Ontario
Donald St/Frances St
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"Promote academic excellence that stimulates the acquisition of language skills, the development of scientific and artistic competencies as well as the formation of a critical mind, in a multicultural environment." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 8 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $10,670 to $12,320
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Academie Providence 10670 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Mississauga, Ontario
Erin Mills Pkwy/Millcreek Drive
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"Western Heights offers an enriched Montessori program that fosters a love of learning. The school actively engages its close-knit parent community to offer an enriched curriculum that adapts to each student's needs." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 2 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $13,000 to $20,000
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Western Heights Montessori Academy 13000 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary Day Coed
St Catharines, Ontario
Entrance from Raymond street/
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"Fostering Creative Thinking, Action, and Expression! Early Childhood 3 to 6 years old, Immersive English & French environment, Impact Montessori education, Sustain the ability and successes of our children." —From the school

  • Gr. JK to SK (Coed)
  • Montessori approach
  • $7,900 to $8,900
  • Day school
  • 26 students
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French Elite Montessori 7900 Kindergarten Day Coed
Kanata, Ontario
Eagleson Road/Stonehaven Drive
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"For 50 years, Kanata Montessori has offered excellent learning environments for students to grow emotionally, socially and academically into a positive global citizen." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 12 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $16,750 to $22,500
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Kanata Montessori 16750 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Coed
Oakville, Ontario
Lakeshore Road East/Bel Air Drive
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"Offering Montessori programs from Toddler to Grade 8, Dearcroft is accredited by CCMA and staffed by dedicated teachers. We have three campuses in Oakville, delivering exceptional Montessori Programs." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 8 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $10,600 to $27,800
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Dearcroft Montessori School 10600 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Pickering, Ontario
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"École Montessori is Durham Region's premier French private school dedicated to transforming your child into a bilingual critical thinker with our enriched curriculum that fosters the genius within each student." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 6 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $10,000 to $21,000
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École Montessori 10000 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary Day Coed
Toronto, Ontario
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"At BBMS our prime goal is to ensure the overall health, safety and well-being of each child while in our care. We look forward to working together with families in the best interest of their children." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to K (Coed)
  • Montessori approach
  • $23,400 to $24,600
  • Day school
  • 62 students
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Blue Butterfly Montessori School 23400 Preschool Kindergarten Day Coed
Mississauga, Ontario
Glen Erin/Dundas
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"Kaban Montessori School is a CCMA accredited school in the west area of Mississauga . Our environments foster each child's interests and abilities while supporting them to achieve their full potential." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 6 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $17,000 to $18,000
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Kaban Montessori School 17000 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary Day Coed
Pickering, Ontario
whites/kingston road
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"Montessori Learning Centre is a non denominational, inclusive school in operation for 40 years. We acknowledge religious and cultural events supporting our whole life philosophy education." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 8 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum; Montessori
  • $12,000 to $14,000
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Montessori Learning Centre of Pickering 12000 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Markham, Ontario
Brimley Road/14th Ave
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"Founded in 1990, Yip's Montessori Program caters to children from 1.5 to 5 years old. Yip's campuses are located in Markham and Unionville." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to SK (Coed)
  • Montessori approach
  • $9,480 to $15,420
  • Day school
  • 0 students
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Yip’s Music & Montessori School 9480 Preschool Kindergarten Day Coed
Mississauga, Ontario
Tomken Rd./Eglinton Ave. E
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"Northstar Montessori offers an accredited Montessori curriculum from Toddler age to Grade 8. Our goal is to develop strong character and contributing citizens who understand that their involvement makes a difference." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 8 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $11,100 to $17,400
  • Day school
  • 300 students
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Northstar Montessori Private School 11100 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Hamilton, Ontario
Garth Street/Fennell Avenue West
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"Established in 1901, Hillfield Strathallan College is one of Canada’s leading co-educational independent schools, offering academic programs from Montessori Toddler and Pre-K to Grade 12, in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum; Montessori
  • $21,123 to $33,334
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Hillfield Strathallan College 21123 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Homestay Day Coed
Ottawa, Ontario
Baseline Rd./Woodroffe Ave.
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"Bishop Hamilton Montessori School, a not-for-profit independent school in Ottawa, provides an authentic Christian Montessori approach for children 3 months to 14 years." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 8 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $6,183 to $22,970
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Bishop Hamilton Montessori School 6183 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Ottawa, Ontario
Bank Street/Marché Way
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"Our programs find the interaction of youth’s developmental characteristics, the Ontario curriculum, and the requirements of the adult world to create the focussed engagement that naturally leads to personal excellence." —From the school

  • Gr. 7 to 12 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum; Montessori
  • $20,748 to $24,156
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The Element High School 20748 MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Coed
Newmarket, Ontario
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"LMMH was established in 2003, the school offers a unique French Immersion Program as well as an English Program for children from 2 ½ to 13 years of age. Our students also learn to ski, golf, play tennis and more." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 8 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $13,500 to $15,500
  • Day school
  • 120 students
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La Maison Montessori House 13500 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Unionville, Ontario
Kennedy Road/16th Avenue
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"UC offers year-ahead advanced programs from pre-school to Grade 10. We blend high standards for academic success with the social and emotional development of the individual child." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 10 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum; Montessori
  • $10,000 to $18,350
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Unionville College 10000 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Coed
Toronto, Ontario
Queen St E/Woodbine Ave
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"ATI is a school for ambitious teens who want to develop into independent, curious, self-motivated individuals. Gain the skills, knowledge and agency to build the future that you want. Located in The Beaches." —From the school

  • Gr. 7 to 8 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $18,000
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Academy of Thought and Industry Toronto 18000 MiddleSchools Day Coed
Toronto, Ontario
University Ave./Dundas street
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"Cornerstone students love to shape the future. They INSPIRE learning, DISCOVER their potential, EMPOWER themselves to be innovative citizens. Our boundless learning strategies open doors for successful learning." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 12 (Coed)
  • Liberal Arts curriculum; Montessori
  • $15,800 to $26,000
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Cornerstone Montessori Prep School 15800 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Coed
North Vancouver, British Columbia
Keith Rd/Lynnmouth Ave
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"Collaborative and engaging, North Star's programs put students at the center of their learning and quest for knowledge." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 7 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $5,800 to $15,840
  • Day school
  • 110 students
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North Star Montessori Elementary School 5800 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Major Mackenzie/Bayview Avenue
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"Richmond Hill Montessori Private School offers programs from pre-school to grade eight. Its average class size is 20 students." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 8 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum; Montessori
  • $25,800 to $27,500
  • Day school
  • 600 students
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Richmond Hill Montessori Private School 25800 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
North York, Ontario
Sheppard Avenue East/Victoria Park Avenue
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"Head Start Montessori was founded in 2002, on the premise that children need a warm, loving and authentic Montessori environment for them to grow into well-adjusted and peaceful beings. H.S.M. is a home away from home." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 3 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $14,500 to $18,500
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Head Start Montessori School 14500 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary Day Day Coed
St. Catharines, Ontario
Edinburgh Dr/Scott Street
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"We provide students with opportunities to explore real-world concepts and issues, broadening their sense of responsibility, develop their critical thinking skills, and empower them to take action in a global community." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 8 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • $7,300 to $15,200
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Wheatley School 7300 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Markham, Ontario
Kennedy Road/Steeles Avenue
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"Located in Markham, Ontario, Town Centre Private Schools is an IB Continuum World School offering a Montessori Pre-School program, IB Elementary School, High School and optional IB Diploma Programme." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • $3,690 to $20,250
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Town Centre Private Schools 3690 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Coed
Fredericton, New Brunswick
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"The main objective of FMA is to provide your child with a planned and stimulating environment in order for them to be able to reach their own individual and highest learning potential while honouring the whole child." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 10 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $9,500 to $14,500
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Fredericton Montessori Academy 9500 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Coed
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"DMS is a Montessori school servicing children at the early childhood level. DMS offers authentic Montessori programming with the Montessori pedagogy at the core of the children's day." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to SK (Coed)
  • Montessori approach
  • $70 to $75 /day
  • Day school
  • 53 students
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DMS Montessori Preschool and Daycare Inc. 70 Preschool Kindergarten Day Coed
Toronto, Ontario
Lower Spadina/Bathurst
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"At Free Spirit MDT, we are dedicated to creating a nurturing, stimulating and welcoming environment. Learning in a intimate setting, we are able to take into consideration and encourage the free spirit of each child." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to K (Coed)
  • Montessori approach
  • $11,600 to $15,700
  • Day school
  • 16 students
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Free Spirit Montessori Downtown 11600 Preschool Kindergarten Day Coed
Toronto, Ontario
Bathurst St./Eglinton Ave. West
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"NOW WITH LICENSED DAYCARE! Bring your child for a free trial to let him or her experience the difference. Don't be surprised if he or she doesn't want to go home at the end of the day! SUMMER CAMP PROGRAMS AVAILABLE!" —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 6 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum; Waldorf
  • $15,500 to $17,500
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Alive Montessori & Private School 15500 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary Day Coed
North York / Scarborough, Ontario
Victoria Park/Lawrence
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"Nurturing innate love for learning, we offer independent educational chances for young children to cultivate lifelong knowledge and self discovery." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to SK (Coed)
  • Montessori approach
  • $8,500 to $13,500
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Curlew Montessori School 8500 Preschool Kindergarten Day Coed
Mississauga, Ontario
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"Meadow Green Academy provides a strong Christian education in a nurturing environment. Strong academics combined with sports, enriched music, visual arts, and dramatic arts programs provide a well-rounded experience" —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 8 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum; Montessori
  • $10,300 to $18,490
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Meadow Green Academy 10300 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Whitby, Ontario
Brock Street South/Dundas Streer West
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"The Hatch House Montessori School is a very child centered school where each student is respected for their uniqueness and is guided through learning accordingly. Ask about our unique, fully bilingual elementary program." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 8 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $12,250 to $15,750
  • Day school
  • 0 students
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Hatch House Montessori School 12250 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Ottawa, Ontario
Alta Vista Drive/Industrial Road
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"OMS Montessori is a non for profit, independent school offering separate French and English programs within a world class Montessori environment." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 6 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $9,763 to $17,524
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OMS Montessori 9763 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary Day Coed
Aurora, Ontario
St. John Sideroad/Yonge St.
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"Aurora Montessori offers an enriched Montessori program for students, Toddler to Grade 8, with an option of an OSSD credit in Grade 9 Math. A unique Mindfulness and Technology program develops key 21st-century skills!" —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 8 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $18,464 to $23,936
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Aurora Montessori School 18464 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Mississauga, Ontario
Hurontario St/Matheson Blvd E
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"ABC Montessori is one of Mississauga's premier private schools. We offers both Montessori and traditional school programs from preschool to Grade 5 with an emphasis on developing literacy, numeracy, sciences, and arts." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 5 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum; Montessori
  • $5,260 to $11,500
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ABC Montessori 5260 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary Day Day Coed
Port Perry, Ontario
Reach St/Old Simcoe Rd
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"CHMS offers authentic supportive, vibrant, child centered AMI Montessori that is perfect for curious, inquisitive students looking to thrive in a social, hands on, collaborative, challenging environment." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 8 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $8,000 to $12,000
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The Children's House Montessori School 8000 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Brantford, Ontario
Fairview Drive/North Park Street
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"Braemar House School is a not-for-profit elementary school that proves each day that children thrive in a nurturing environment." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 8 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum; Montessori
  • $15,328
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Braemar House School 15328 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Oakville, Ontario
QEW/Ford Drive / Ninth Line
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"La Villa Montessori is an AMI recognized school that adheres to Dr. Montessori's principles. We provide a nurturing environment that fulfills the child's emotional, social, physical and intellectual needs." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 6 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $6,000 to $18,500
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La Villa Montessori School 6000 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary Day Coed
Toronto, Ontario
Dufferin St/Lawrence Ave W
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"LDVA provides foundational education and challenges students to develop to their full potential. Officially recognized by the Italian Government, our unique curriculum incorporates Italian language and culture." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 8 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum; Montessori
  • $10,500 to $18,300
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Leonardo Da Vinci Academy of Arts & Sciences 10500 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Markham, Ontario
Brimley Road/14th Ave South
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"Established in 1974, Somerset Academy is an independent, not-for-profit private school that provides education to students in JK Grades 8. Somerset Academy has an average class size of 13 to 18 students." —From the school

  • Gr. JK to 8 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum
  • $12,850 to $15,600
  • Day school
  • 0 students
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Somerset Academy 12850 Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Toronto, Ontario
Prince Edward Dr N/Bloor Street West
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"Prince Edward Montessori School offers programs for various grades in Toronto. Its average class size is ten to 16 students. " —From the school

  • Gr. NS to SK (Coed)
  • Montessori approach
  • $7,325 to $14,934
  • Day school
  • 100 students
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Prince Edward Montessori School 7325 Preschool Kindergarten Day Coed
Oakville, Ontario
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"Rotherglen School - OAKVILLE offers programs for students age 4 to grade eight. The average class size is 18 students." —From the school

  • Gr. K to 8 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum; Montessori
  • $16,530 to $28,120
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Rotherglen School - Oakville 16530 Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Mississauga, Ontario
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"Rotherglen School - MISSISSAUGA is a montessori school that offers programs from JK to grade eight. The average class size is 18 students." —From the school

  • Gr. JK to 8 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum; Montessori
  • $15,850 to $20,315
  • Day school
  • 400 students
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Rotherglen School - Mississauga 15850 Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
Whitchurch-stouffville, Ontario
Ninth Line/Main Street
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"Toronto French Montessori offers French and English programs from pre-school to grade 8 in North York, and Toddler programs in Stouffville. Its average class size is 15 students." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 8 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $7,620 to $16,350
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Toronto French Montessori 7620 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Day Coed
Markham, Ontario
Woodbine/HWY 7
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"Wishing Well Schools offers an enriched, academically advanced program spanning from 18 months to Grade 8." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 8 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum
  • $17,500 to $17,700
  • Day school
  • 427 students
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Wishing Well Schools 17500 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Day Coed
Mississauga, Ontario
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"Guiding Light Academy is a Catholic private elementary school in Streetsville, Mississauga. We offer an enriched curriculum for JK, SK and Grades 1 to 8. We are located just minutes away from the Streetsville Go Station." —From the school

  • Gr. JK to 8 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum; Montessori
  • $13,000
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Guiding Light Academy 13000 Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed
North York, Ontario
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"Bannockburn provides a strong, academic foundation anchored in the principles of the Montessori philosophy that supports your child’s intellectual, moral, social, and emotional development in a nurturing environment." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 6 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $18,515 to $28,120
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Bannockburn 18515 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary Day Coed
Markham, Ontario
Woodbine/16th Avenue
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"Trinity Montessori School offers programs from toddler to grade six in Markham, Ontario. Its average class size is nine students." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 6 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum; Montessori
  • $12,000 to $14,000
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Trinity Montessori School 12000 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary Day Coed
Markham, Ontario
Woodbine Av./Hwy 7
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"Since 2002, J. Addison has provided a stimulating education for students. Located at the corner of Woodbine and Valleywood Drive in Markham, ON, Canada, you will find our state-of-the-art 58,000 sq. ft. facility." —From the school

  • Gr. JK to 12 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • $18,000 to $53,600
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J. Addison School 18000 Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Day Coed
Markham, Ontario
14th Ave/Kennedy
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"Trillium School is a private school that offers programs from pre-school to grade twelve in Markham with Montessori-based kindergarten." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum; Montessori
  • $9,200 to $41,500
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Trillium School 9200 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Boarding Day Coed
Toronto, Ontario
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"A STEM-oriented private high school in North York, catering to local and international students both in-person and virtual classes. We take pride in our students' impressive university placement achievements." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 12 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum
  • $12,900 to $24,000
  • Day, Homestay, eSchool
  • 275 students
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Rutherford Private School 12900 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools eSchool Homestay Day Coed
Toronto, Ontario
Queen Street East/Glen Manor Drive
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"Our objective is to guide children with respect and understanding, developing in them a love of learning. Our aim is to create a nurturing environment full of intellectual, social and moral learning and development." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 8 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum
  • $8,240 to $24,000
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Avalon Children's Montessori School 8240 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools Day Coed

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