Our music curriculum has been designed in collaboration with the world renowned Juilliard School and gives your child a unique opportunity to learn about music through iconic works and regular connections with practicing musicians.
As of October 4th, 2017 we have 198 of the 895 Year 3-13 (Polish grades 2-12) students receiving private instrumental lessons.
This is 22.1% of the student population and is up from approximately 120 students in the last academic year
We are aiming to have all students sit an exam on their instrument and are implementing the RockSchool UK exam system for our rhythm section instruments. We have partnered with Rock School UK and they will be bringing an examiner to Poland just for TBS
We are looking for creative opportunities to get all students into an ensemble, particularly the 53 guitarists and 40 percussionists .... by consulting with their instrumental tutors and showing them ensembles we have run in other cities
Thank you for your continued support on behalf of Daniel, Tyler, Antonina, myself and Rachel.
Jaime Gibson
Head Music Teacher
Olga Rasiewicz
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