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4. Expo Szkół Niepublicznych, 10 lutego 2024 r.     O tegorocznych targach  

The Canadian School of Warsaw
14.01.2019 r.

Let's play!

On Friday 25th January we will be celebrating Global Play Day at the elementary school. This is actually earlier than the rest of the world, as the official day is in February when we are on Winter break.

We invite the children to bring their toys and games on this day and part of their school day will be devoted to play.

Please encourage your children to bring their toys on this day and let's have a fun final day of semester before the Winter break :-)

The importance of unstructured play in children's development is an undisputed fact and every year we are more than happy to join this wonderful international event! Especially these days, with tight schedules and many planned extra activities children are in need of some free time to arrange by themselves. The skills developed this way are invaluable.

Here's your link to the iconic talk about the decline and importance of play by the leading expert on this subject, Peter Gray:


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