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The Our Kids Report > University Placement
Grades Gr. 9 TO Gr. 12 — Mississauga, ON (Map)

Bronte College:

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Bronte College University Placement

Where graduates of a school do their post-secondary studies can be an important factor in choosing a private school. Do you want your child to go to a Canadian university, an Ivy League school in the US, or somewhere else? Whatever your inclinations, check out a school’s university placement record and the support they offer for university applications and decisions.

Key Numbers

Average graduating class size 150
Students accepted into post-secondary studies upon graduation 100%
Percentage of students who attend post-secondary institutions outside of Canada 5%
Students who attended a Ivy+ school
Number of students in the past 5 years that that attended one of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania, Dartmouth, Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Stanford, University of Chicago, Oxford or Cambridge (UK)

Services Offered to Students

Career planning
Mentorship ProgramN/A
University counseling

What Bronte College says about their university placement record and services:

  • University of Waterloo
  • University of Toronto
  • McMaster Univeristy
  • Wilfrid Laurier
  • York University
  • Toront Metropolitan University
  • University of Ottawa
  • -the Guidance team at Bronte College prides itself on ensuring students have the information to make the right choice - an onsite university fair attracts 40 universities to our campus annually to meet our students -organized trips to university campuses are offered year-round so our students can get a feel for each school -an average of 99% of our students receive acceptance to their preferred program, in Canada, the USA, and overseas -our Partner schools include uOttawa, Trent, Laurier, TMU, and Menlo College in California. Partners offer unique perks to Bronte students such as scholarships, application waivers and IELTS exemptions - our alumni have attended prestigious graduate programs at Harvard, Yale and Stanford - in 2024 our graduates received scholarship offers of over 1.5 million dollars

Post-Secondary Schools Attended

Learn the top five post-secondary schools Bronte College graduates attend, and the percentage of graduates that attend each of these schools.

Five most attended post-secondary schools

University of Toronto
University of Waterloo
Western University
McMaster University
Toronto Metropolitan University

% of Graduates

  • Canada 16 universities
    • Brock University
    • Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning
    • McGill University
    • McMaster University
    • OCAD University
    • Queen's University
    • Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
    • Simon Fraser University
    • Toronto Metropolitan University
    • University of British Columbia
    • University of Ottawa
    • University of Toronto
    • University of Waterloo
    • Western University
    • Wilfrid Laurier University
    • York University
  • United States 6 universities
    • Florida Atlantic University
    • George Washington University
    • Howard University
    • Illinois Institute of Technology
    • Miami University (OH)
    • University of Texas at San Antonio
  • International 13 universities
    • Durham University
    • Keio University
    • Mahidol University
    • Monash University
    • Newcastle University
    • University of Aberdeen
    • University of Amsterdam
    • University of Bristol
    • University of Leeds
    • University of Manchester
    • University of Melbourne
    • University of Queensland
    • University of Sydney

Areas of Post-Secondary Study

This chart shows the main subject areas Bronte College graduates have pursued in post-secondary studies. If post-secondary studies are a major goal, this is an important factor to consider in choosing a school for your child.

Bronte College Graduates’ Post-Secondary Studies:

  25% - Liberal Arts and Sciences
  25% - Engineering and Applied Sciences
  28% - Business/Commerce
  0% - Fine and Performing Arts
  22% - Applied Health Sciences
  0% - Applied Professional Studies (Post-grad certificate / diploma)
  0% - Other

Aggregate of All Schools’ Post-Secondary Studies:

  25% - Liberal Arts and Sciences
  24% - Engineering and Applied Sciences
  23% - Business/Commerce
  5% - Fine and Performing Arts
  14% - Applied Health Sciences
  2% - Applied Professional Studies (Post-grad certificate / diploma)
  7% - Other


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