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Academie Providence:
The Our Kids Report > Academics
Grades Nursery/Toddler TO Gr. 8 — Ottawa, ON (Map)

Academie Providence:


Curriculum Montessori

[Show definition of Curriculum]

Central to your child's school experience is the underlying curriculum taught in the classroom. "Curriculum" refers to both what is taught and how it's taught. When considering the different curricula outlined in the next few pages, keep in mind that few schools fall neatly into one category or another. Most schools' curricula comprise a blend of best practices drawn from multiple curriculum types. Having said that, most schools do have a general overall curriculum type. These are identified for each school on

Curriculum approach at Academie Providence: Montessori

Academie Providence has a Montessori approach to Curriculum (as opposed to Traditional, Liberal Arts, Progressive, Reggio Emilia, Waldorf approach).

[Show: About Montessori?]

Our Kids definition: Particularly popular in the younger grades (preschool to elementary), but sometimes available all the way up to high school, Montessori schools offer an alternative vision to the standard lesson format of most classrooms. Instead of listening to whole-class lessons, Montessori classrooms allow students to choose which "tasks" or activities interest them. These tasks centre around special Montessori puzzles - their essential feature being they contain a right answer and allow for selfcorrection. A strong emphasis is therefore placed on lessons being concrete and rooted in practical experience, along with students developing a sense of self-sufficiency, confidence and curiosity.

Compare Academie Providence's Curriculum with other schools on
  Montessori - 11%
  Traditional - 41%
  Liberal arts - 13%
  Progressive - 34%
  Reggio Emilia - 0%
  Waldorf - 1%

International curriculum & programs at Academie Providence: French National Curriculum, British National Curriculum

What Academie Providence says about their overall curriculum and approach:

The teaching program of the Providence Academy meets the requirements of the Ministry of Education of Ontario, integrates the teaching program of the Ministry of Education of France and incorporates the educative philosophy of the Antonine Sisters (personalize and whole group) together with montessorien principles in a structures and inter cultural environment. The pedagogical approach respects the pace and learning style of each student to procure the development of the autonomy and self-esteem of each student. The Providence Academy is the only Catholic Private French School that offers such a program in Ontario.

Montessori offered:

Montessori toddler
Middle School
High School


Focus Special needs Religious-based
Academic Gifted Christian (Roman Catholic)

If you want to learn more about faith-based education, check out our comprehensive guide.
Read our detailed guide to learn all about Christian education.
If you want to learn more about Catholic education, check out our comprehensive guide.

Pedagogies and subject courses:

  • Mathematics

    Equal Balance

    Mathematics approach at Academie Providence: Equal Balance

    Academie Providence has an Equal Balance approach to Mathematics (as opposed to Traditional Math, Discovery Math approach).

    [Show: About Equal Balance?]

    Our Kids definition: These math programs feature an equal balance of “Traditional” and “Discovery” methods.

    Compare Academie Providence's Mathematics with other schools on
      Equal balance - 70%
      Traditional math - 25%
      Discovery math - 5%

    What Academie Providence says:

    - Les mathématiques favorisent la connaissance des nombres et le calcul, l'approche de la géométrie et des mesures et la résolution de problèmes. - La pratique des mathématiques développe le goût de la recherche, l'imagination, les capacités d’abstraction, la rigueur et la précision. - Les mathématiques favorisent la découverte de plusieurs nouveaux concepts par l’exploration et l’expérimentation à l’aide de matériel concret ou illustré, d’algorithmes personnels et usuels et de stratégies de resolution de problèmes. - Les mathématiques favorisent l’acquisition des bases d'une première culture scientifique en partant de situations proches de la réalité.

    Textbooks and supplementary materials:

    Avec T'choupi je découvre les nombres-TPS Nathan Petite Section, Maternelle,Je découvre les chiffres,Hatier Chouette Entraînement-Activités de maths-Moyenne Section Le nouveau Math élém., Fichier 1 pour Grande Section Le nouveau Math élém., Fichier 2 pour Grande Section

    Calculator policy:

    L’enfant va apprendre à structurer son raisonnement par le biais de l’expérimentation et de l’analyse ce qui requiert des efforts d'organisation et de concentration.

  • Early Reading

    Whole Language

    Early Reading approach at Academie Providence: Whole Language

    Academie Providence has a Whole Language approach to Early Reading (as opposed to Phonics-intensive, Balanced Literacy approach).

    [Show: About Whole Language?]

    Our Kids definition: Whole Language reading programs eschew sublexical (under the word-level) training, focusing instead on getting students to infer and guess at words based on their understanding of the larger meaning of the sentence (“context-clues”). Students are given ample opportunity to read actual literature (age-appropriate) along with strategies for using semantic-based clues to pronounce unrecognized words.

    Compare Academie Providence's Early Reading with other schools on
      Whole language - 2%
      Phonics-intensive - 44%
      Balanced literacy - 54%

    What Academie Providence says:

    Le CP est la 1ère classe du cycle des apprentissages fondamentaux où l’enfant va acquérir les savoirs de base que sont lire, écrire, communiquer et compter. Le CE1 est avant tout une année de révision et de consolidation des acquis antérieurs. L’enfant va maîtriser les savoirs de base que sont lire, écrire, communiquer et compter Le CE2 est la 3e année du cycle 2 au cours de laquelle l’enfant va apprendre à structurer son raisonnement par le biais de l’expérimentation et de l’analyse ce qui requiert des efforts d'organisation et de concentration.

    DIBELS Testing: This school periodically uses DIBELS testing to assess reading progress.

    What Academie Providence says:

    Contrôle continu et examen trimestriel tois fois l'année scolaire

  • Writing

    Equal balance

    Writing approach at Academie Providence: Equal balance

    Academie Providence has an Equal balance approach to Writing (as opposed to Systematic approach, Process approach approach).

    [Show: About Equal balance?]

    Our Kids definition: Programs that balance systematic and process approaches equally likely have an emphasis on giving young students ample opportunities to write, while providing supplementary class-wide instruction in grammar, parts of sentences, and various writing strategies.

    Compare Academie Providence's Writing with other schools on
      Equal balance - 79%
      Systematic approach - 9%
      Process approach - 12%

    What Academie Providence says:

    • Identifier personnages, événements, circonstances d’un récit lu • Copier avec soin un court texte en respectant l’orthographe et la ponctuation • Écrire sous la dictée un texte de 5 lignes en utilisant ses connaissances lexicales, orthographiques et grammaticales • Produire de façon autonome un texte de 5 à 10 lignes • Copier avec soin et lisiblement un texte court

  • Science

    Equal Balance

    Science approach at Academie Providence: Equal Balance

    Academie Providence has an Equal Balance approach to Science (as opposed to Expository, Inquiry approach).

    [Show: About Equal Balance?]

    Our Kids definition: Science programs that balance expository and inquiry learning equally will likely have an equal blend of tests and experiments; direct, textbook-based instruction and student-centred projects.

    Compare Academie Providence's Science with other schools on
      Equal balance - 69%
      Expository - 5%
      Inquiry - 26%

    Teaching approach:

    Acquérir des repères dans le temps et l’espace et des connaissances sur le monde. - Maîtriser le vocabulaire spécifique correspondant à ces réalités. - Dépasser les représentations initiales en observant et en manipulant. - Comprendre et décrire le monde réel, celui de la nature et celui construit par l’Homme. - Apprendre à agir sur le monde et de maîtriser les changements induits par l’activité humaine. - S’initier à une démarche d’investigation: observation, questionnement, expérimentation, argumentation et consignation des expériences

    Treatment of evolution:

    Evolution as consensus theory
    Evolution as one of many equally viable theories
    Evolution is not taught

    Topics covered in curriculum:

  • Literature

    Equal Balance

    Literature approach at Academie Providence: Equal Balance

    Academie Providence has an Equal Balance approach to Literature (as opposed to Traditional, Social Justice approach).

    [Show: About Equal Balance?]

    Our Kids definition: These literature programs draw in equal measure from “Traditional” and “Social Justice” programs.

    Compare Academie Providence's Literature with other schools on
      Equal balance - 76%
      Traditional - 21%
      Social justice - 3%

    What Academie Providence says:

    - Adapter son comportement de lecteur aux difficultés rencontrées : notes pour mémoriser, relecture, demande d’aide, etc. - Participer à un débat sur un texte en confrontant son point de vue à d’autres de manière argumentée. - Lire au moins cinq ouvrages dans l’année scolaire et en rendre compte ; choisir un extrait caractéristique et le lire à haute voix. - Expliciter des choix de lecture, des préférences en utilisant diverses stratégies de lecture pour construire le sens d’un texte. - Rapprocher des œuvres littéraires, à l’oral et à l’écrit et participer à un débat sur une oeuvre en confrontant son point de vue à d’autres de manière argumentée. - Démontrer la compréhension des textes lus, en tirer l’information voulue et exprimer ses réactions. - Découvrir des œuvres d’art antique et moderne, des figures mythiques qui permettent de mettre en valeur la thématique « Arts, mythes et religions ».

    Program covers:

    Canadian lit
    American lit
    European (continental) lit
    World (non-Western) lit
    English lit
    Ancient lit
  • Social Studies


    Social Studies approach at Academie Providence: Thematic

    Academie Providence has a Thematic approach to Social Studies (as opposed to Core Knowledge, Expanding Communities approach).

    [Show: About Thematic?]

    Our Kids definition: The Thematic approach organizes the curriculum around certain themes or cultural universals. Students might spend time focused on food. Then they might focus on transportation or government, and so on.

    Compare Academie Providence's Social Studies with other schools on
      Thematic - 33%
      Core knowledge - 37%
      Expanding communities - 30%

    What Academie Providence says:

    - Maîtriser comme individu et comme citoyen, les règles élémentaires de la vie en société et les mettre en œuvre dans le cadre scolaire. - Acquérir des repères dans les domaines de l’histoire, de la géographie, des droits et des devoirs du citoyen, de la responsabilité et de la liberté. - Développer les habiletés à identifier et évaluer des éléments concernant le fonctionnement des institutions et des événements sociaux et historiques. - Développer les compétences et les qualités personnelles nécessaires pour mener des enquêtes dans la matière qui sont ensuite transférables dans d’autres sphères de la vie quotidienne. - Apprendre à se servir de la technologie appropriée comme outil pour recueillir et analyser de l’information, résoudre des problèmes et communiquer des informations. - Utiliser le vocabulaire approprié au sujet à l’étude

  • Humanities and Social Sciences

    Equal Balance

    Humanities and Social Sciences approach at Academie Providence: Equal Balance

    Academie Providence has an Equal Balance approach to Humanities and Social Sciences (as opposed to Perennialism, Pragmatism approach).

    [Show: About Equal Balance?]

    Our Kids definition: These programs represent an equal balance between the perennialist and pragmatic approach to teaching the humanities and social sciences.

    Compare Academie Providence's Humanities and Social Sciences with other schools on
      Equal balance - 82%
      Perennialism - 7%
      Pragmatism - 11%

    What Academie Providence says:

    - Comprendre les grands principes de l’action morale: valeurs, savoirs, pratiques et comportements dont le but est de savoir particier efficacement à la constructive de la vie sociale, d'exercer sa liberté en pleine conscience des droits de chacun et de refuser la violence. - Apprendre à établir la différence entre les principes universels (les droits de l'homme), les règles de l'Etat de droit (la loi) et les usages sociaux (la civilité). - Développer le sentiment d'appartenance à son pays dans le respect dû à la diversité des choix et des options personnels.

  • Foreign Languages


    Foreign Languages approach at Academie Providence: Audio-Lingual

    Academie Providence has an Audio-Lingual approach to Foreign Languages (as opposed to Communicative, Equal Balance approach).

    [Show: About Audio-Lingual?]

    Our Kids definition: The audio-lingual method of teaching foreign languages emphasizes the use of repetition and a system of immediate reinforcement and feedback. The method makes particular use of oral drills where students are expected to correctly imitate (or intentionally alter) an utterance made by the teacher in the target language. Quizzes and worksheets are also used extensively.

    Compare Academie Providence's Foreign Languages with other schools on
      Audio-lingual - 2%
      Communicative - 33%
      Equal balance - 65%

    What Academie Providence says:

    - L’enfant va développer sa réflexion, sa recherche et sa présentation, en enrichissant ses lectures, en sachant se documenter, exposer ses points de vue et présenter le fruit de ses recherches. - Il va apprendre à rédiger différents types d’écrits. Le programme est bien rempli, rigoureux et exigeant en orthographe et en expression écrite. - Il va enrichir son vocabulaire, étudier la formation des mots et les règles orthographiques et grammaticales. - Une place importante est donnée à la réception (lire et écouter) à la production (dire et écrire de textes narratifs

    Language instruction offered in:

  • Fine Arts

    Equal Balance

    Fine Arts approach at Academie Providence: Equal Balance

    Academie Providence has an Equal Balance approach to Fine Arts (as opposed to Receptive, Creative approach).

    [Show: About Equal Balance?]

    Our Kids definition: These programs have an equal emphasis on receptive and creative learning.

    Compare Academie Providence's Fine Arts with other schools on
      Equal balance - 65%
      Receptive - 2%
      Creative - 33%

    Program offers:

    Graphic Design
    Visual Arts

    Visual studio philosophy:


    What Academie Providence says:

    - Initier l’élève à transmettre des messages et des émotions dans ses réalisations et à s’interroger sur la fonction et l’emplacement des formes d’arts visuels dans sa communauté, dans sa province et dans tout le Canada. - l’élève entreprend l’étude d’une notation musicale traditionnelle et communique des messages, des idées et des émotions dans ses réalisations. Le chant et l’interprétation de chansons folkloriques et populaires tiennent toujours une place importante, ce qui donne aux élèves l’occasion de chanter ensemble, d’approfondir leurs connaissances et leurs habiletés musicales et de s’ouvrir à la culture, aux traditions, à l’histoire de leur milieu et à d’autres cultures et époques. - explorer des situations sociales et culturelles et expérimenter des formes de représentation tout en améliorant les habiletés d’expression d’idées et d’émotions sous forme dramatique.

  • Computers and Technology

    Medium integration

    Computers and Technology approach at Academie Providence: Medium integration

    Academie Providence has a Medium integration approach to Computers and Technology (as opposed to Light integration, Heavy integration approach).

    [Show: About Medium integration?]

    Our Kids definition: Effort is made to integrate the development of digital literacy through the curriculum. However, this is not a dominant focus.

    Compare Academie Providence's Computers and Technology with other schools on
      Medium integration - 53%
      Light integration - 18%
      Heavy integration - 29%

    What Academie Providence says:

    Découverte de l’ordinateur: - découvrir que l'ordinateur a de la mémoire, fonctionne avec les nombres, les lettres et les mots. - Initier à la découverte des concepts fondamentaux de l’informatique. - distinguer les différents systèmes informatiques avec leurs avantages et inconvénients - Know the function of the keys: backspace, delete, enter, caps lock. Entraînement - savoir utiliser des outils interactifs, le multimédia et l’internet - Initier au langage et à l’usage d’outils informatiques. - être capable de traduire les mots dans le langage Basic et d’exploiter les éléments relatifs à l’internet Création et production - créer, produire, exploiter des données. - développer une intégration avec les autres enseignements scientifiques et techniques dans une volonté d’interdisciplinarité. - rédiger un programme et le représenter schématiquement.

    Program covers:

    Computer science
    Web design
  • Physical Education

    What Academie Providence says:

    - Développer l’équilibre psychomoteur et les habiletés locomotrices tout en apprenant des habiletés simples de manipulation d’objets en commençant par les lancer et les attraper. - Développer les capacités nécessaires aux conduites motrices, physiques, sportives et artistiques. - Développer le sens de l’effort et de la persévérance tout en répondant au besoin et au plaisir de bouger. - Apprendre à mieux se connaître, à mieux connaître les autres et à veiller à sa santé. - Acquérir une compréhension des facteurs qui contribuent à un développement sain et apprendre à assumer des responsabilités en ce qui concerne la santé tout au long de la vie. - Développer des habiletés motrices et tactiques et appliquer des concepts liés aux mouvements lors de jeux, sports, danses et autres activités physiques.

  • Religious Education

    More than 25% of our courses are religion courses

    What Academie Providence says:

    • Écouter et raconter des récits bibliques. • Démontrer sa compréhension de certaines fêtes chrétiennes. • Exprimer des sentiments et des idées sur des sujets religieux par l’expression verbale, l’expression corporelle, les chants et les arts visuels. • Découvrit la richesse de chaque saison et exprimer son admiration pour la vie et l’environnement. • Exprimer de l’émerveillement envers Dieu auteur de la Création. • Reconnaître que l’amour et l’amitié rendent heureux. • Identifier des gestes d’accueil à poser envers l’autre. Raconter des récits bibliques; Faire des liens entre des récits bibliques et la vie quotidienne; Démontrer du respect envers la Bible, le livre de la Parole de Dieu; Énoncer des convictions des chrétiennes et des chrétiens de foi catholique sur la présence Dieu. Contempler la création pour y voir l’œuvre de Dieu; Lire et méditer les événements de la vie de Jésus; Porter un regard attentif sur l’amour entre les personnes pour y pressentir l’amour de Dieu; Faire l’expérience des symboles et des rites du baptême; Prier en utilisant des formules de la tradition catholique. Identifier des repères sur lesquels les chrétiennes et les chrétiens fondent leurs décisions morales; Acquérir une démarche de discernement moral; Reconnaître les valeurs appropriées: la tolérance, l’ouverture aux différences, le sens de l’autre.

  • Sex and health education

    Not Ontario curriculum

    Sex and health education approach at Academie Providence: Not Ontario curriculum

    Academie Providence has a Not Ontario curriculum approach to Sex and health education (as opposed to Follows provincial curriculum approach).

    [Show: About Not Ontario curriculum?]

    Our Kids definition: The sex education curriculum does NOT follow the provincial one taught in public schools - either in terms of structure, pacing, focus, and/or tone.

    Compare Academie Providence's Sex and health education with other schools on
      Does not follow prrovincial curriculum - 42%
      Follows provincial curriculum - 58%

    Approach to sex and health education: Fairly value-based

    Academie Providence has a approach Fairly value-based (as opposed to Mostly value-neutral approach).
    [Show: About Fairly value-based?]

    Our Kids definition: Sex is sometimes taught from a particular moral or ethical standpoint. Sometimes particular values or value systems (such as social, political, or ideological values) are invoked when teaching sex and related issues .

    Academie Providence has a approach Traditional (as opposed to Progressive approach).
    [Show: About Traditional?]

    Our Kids definition: This includes a range of positions. A traditional approach might, for example, go as far as emphasizing the nuclear family and complete abstinence from sex before marriage. Alternatively, this approach might simply involve placing less emphasis on sex outside of the context of marriage and more emphasis on abstinence. Or finally, it might just involve focusing less on sex outside of the context of marriage.

    What Academie Providence says:

    On porte une attention particulière au développement des habiletés nécessaires pour faire face à des problèmes relationnels qui affectent le concept de soi et le sentiment de bien-être, maintenir des relations saines et acquérir les connaissances et les habiletés nécessaires pour prendre des décisions éclairées au sujet de sa santé sexuelle. Les principaux sujets comprennent, la prévention des maladies, la compréhension des effets de l’identité de genre et de l’orientation sexuelle sur l’identité d’une personne et son concept de soi.

Preschool/K Curriculum Academic

[Show definition of Preschool/K Curriculum]

Preschools and kindergartens tend to have a particular curriculum or curricular approach. This refers to what is taught and how it's taught. Most preschools have a curriculum that comprises a blend of best practices drawn from multiple curriculum types. A preschool's curriculum may or may not, though, reflect its higher-level curriculum (if it's part of a school with elementary or secondary programs)

Preschool/K Curriculum approach at Academie Providence: Academic

Academie Providence has an Academic approach to Preschool/K Curriculum (as opposed to Play-based, Montessori, Waldorf, Reggio Emilia approach).

[Show: About Academic?]

Our Kids definition: Academic-based preschools and Kindergartens are the most structured of the different types, and have a strong emphasis on math and reading readiness skills. These programs aim to expose children to what early-elementary school is like. While time is still allotted to free play, much of the day is built around explicit lessons guided by the teacher. Classrooms often resemble play-based ones (with different stations set up around the room), but at an Academic program the teacher leads students through the stations directly, and ties these activities to a whole-class lesson or theme.

Compare Academie Providence's Preschool/K Curriculum with other schools on
  Academic - 41%
  Play-based - 24%
  Montessori - 26%
  Waldorf - 2%
  Reggio emilia - 7%

What Academie Providence says about their preschool/K curriculum approach:

Les objectifs essentiels de la maternelle : • aider chaque enfant à: - devenir autonome ; - s'approprier des connaissances et des compétences; - acquérir un langage oral riche, organisé et compréhensible par l'autre; - vivre une expérience scolaire réussie; - se préparer adéquatement à l’école primaire en développant ses facultés fondamentales : parler, agir, découvrir, sentir, réfléchir, imaginer, créer…); - exercer ses capacités motrices, sensorielles, affectives, relationnelles et intellectuelles; - découvrir l’univers de l’écrit.

Montessori Approach

Academie Providence's Montessori approach. Learn about this school's class practices and policies as well as its curricular and teaching approach.

This information is not currently available.

Overall approach

38% of schools

Schools that adhere strictly to the original Montessori program. They follow Montessori principles to the letter.

Moderately Orthodox
42% of schools

Schools that adhere to the original Montessori program and principles. On occasion, though, they supplement it with modern curricular approaches or materials.

Moderately Non-Orthodox
14% of schools

Schools that are faithful to the original Montessori program and principles, but sometimes supplement it with modern curricular approaches or materials.

6% of schools

Schools that are faithful to the original Montessori program and principles, but often supplement it with modern curricular approaches or materials.

Classroom practices

  • This information is not currently available.

Teaching assistants

Language English

Learn about Academie Providence's languages of instruction and enrolment.

Academie Providence offers French as the primary language of instruction.

Language of enrolment include: This information is not currently available.

Academie Providence offers English as the primary language of instruction.

Language of enrolment include: This information is not currently available.

Curriculum Pace Standard-enriched

[Show definition of Curriculum Pace]

This refers to the rate at which students move through the curriculum (e.g., topics, textbook material, skills, etc.). Curriculum pace is often defined in comparison to provincial standards.

Curriculum Pace approach at Academie Providence: Standard-enriched

Academie Providence has a Standard-enriched approach to Curriculum Pace (as opposed to Accelerated, Student-paced approach).

[Show: About Standard-enriched?]

Our Kids definition: Broadly-speaking, the main curriculum -- like that of most schools -- paces the provincially-outlined one. This pace is steady and set by the teachers and school. The curriculum might still be enriched in various ways: covering topics more in-depth and with more vigor than the provincial one, or covering a broader selection of topics.

Compare Academie Providence's Curriculum Pace with other schools on
  Standard-enriched - 57%
  Accelerated - 18%
  Student-paced - 25%

What Academie Providence says about their curriculum pace:

Tout y est organisé pour que l’enfant agisse et participe : l’espace, le temps et les situations. Elle a un rôle essentiel dans le repérage des difficultés langagières et la prévention des déficiences et des troubles d’apprentissage notamment les troubles spécifiques du langage oral et écrit.

Flexible pacing style

Type Offered
Subject-streaming (tracking)
Multi-age classrooms as standard
Ability-grouping (in-class) as common
Frequent use of cyber-learning (at-their-own-pace)
Regular guided independent study opportunities
Differentiated assessment

What Academie Providence says about their flexible pacing:

La maternelle est un lieu d’éducation et d’apprentissage avec des objectifs précis. Tout y est organisé pour que l’enfant agisse et participe : l’espace, le temps et les situations.

Academic Culture Rigorous

[Show definition of Academic Culture]

Through the collective mindset of teachers, administrators, students, and parents, each school develops and maintains its own academic culture. This generally relates to the norms and expectations created around academic performance. Many parents look to private schools because they want a specific type of culture. Some want a rigorous environment that will elevate their child to new heights. Others want a nurturing environment that will help their child develop a passion for learning.

Academic Culture approach at Academie Providence: Rigorous

Academie Providence has a Rigorous approach to Academic Culture (as opposed to Supportive approach).

[Show: About Rigorous?]

Our Kids definition: A school with a “rigorous” academic culture places a high value on academic performance, and expects their students to do the same. This does not mean the school is uncaring, unsupportive, or non-responsive -- far from it. A school can have a rigorous academic culture and still provide excellent individual support. It does mean, however, the school places a particular emphasis on performance -- seeking the best students and challenging them to the fullest extent -- relative to a normal baseline. High expectations and standards – and a challenging yet rewarding curriculum – are the common themes here. Keep in mind this classification is more relevant for the older grades: few Kindergarten classrooms, for example, would be called “rigorous”.

Compare Academie Providence's Academic Culture with other schools on
  Rigorous - 49%
  Supportive - 51%

What Academie Providence says about their academic culture:

- Comprendre les grands principes de l’action morale: valeurs, savoirs, pratiques et comportements dont le but est de savoir particier efficacement à la constructive de la vie sociale, d'exercer sa liberté en pleine conscience des droits de chacun et de refuser la violence. - Apprendre à établir la différence entre les principes universels (les droits de l'homme), les règles de l'Etat de droit (la loi) et les usages sociaux (la civilité). - Développer le sentiment d'appartenance à son pays dans le respect dû à la diversité des choix et des options personnels.

Developmental priorities Balanced

[Show definition of Developmental priorities]

Schools have specific goals regarding how they want their educate and develop their students. This is part of a school's overall philosophy or vision, which is contained in its mission statement. While they tend have several developmental aims, schools tend to priortize certain aims, such as intellectual, social, spiritual, emotional, or physical development.

Primary Developmental Priority: Balanced

Equal emphasis is placed on a balance of priorities: intellectual, emotional, social and physical cultivation.

What Academie Providence says about their developmental priorities:

- Éducation attentive à la formation de l’intelligence et du cœur qui favorise le plein épanouissement de la personnalité de l’élève, la maturité de son intelligence aussi bien que celle de son cœur, de sa volonté et de son esprit, qui lui permet de prendre conscience de la vie qui l’anime dans sa double dimension d’intériorité et d’universalité. - Éducation qui anime la foi en Dieu Trinitaire et qui forme aux valeurs spirituelles, humaines et morales dans un climat de confiance, d’amour et de sécurité.

Special needs support Full-time Dedicated Class

[Show definition of Special needs support]

Schools offer a wide range of approaches and services to support students with special needs. This may include individualized learning, one-on-one support, small classes, resource rooms, and learning aids. These supports may be provided in a number of different environments such as a dedicated special needs school or class, an integrated class, a withdrawal class, or a regular class with resource support or in-class adaptations.

Academie Providence offers Full-time Dedicated Class

Students are placed in a separate special education class.

What Academie Providence says about their special need support:

Le support thérapeutique est offert par un spécialiste dont les honoraires sont défrayés par les parents concernés. Une personne d'appui assiste l'enfant durant l'enseignement est engagée par l'admininistration et don't les honoraires sont payés par les parents.

A - Forms of Support
B - Environments
Indirect Support:
Resource Assistance:
Withdrawal Assistance:
Partial Integration:
Full-Time Class:

Special NeedNeed
Forms of SupportA
  • Learning disabilities
    Dyslexia (Language-Based Learning Disability)
    This is a learning disability that can limit a child's ability to read and learn. It can have a variety of traits. A few of the main ones are impaired phonological awareness and decoding, problems with orthographic coding, and auditory short-term memory impairment.
    Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)
    This is a sound differentiation disorder involving problems with reading, comprehension, and language.
    This is a kind of specific learning disability in math. Kids with this math disorder have problems with calculation. They may also have problems with math-related concepts such as time and money.
    This is a kind of specific learning disability in writing. It involves problems with handwriting, spelling, and organizing ideas.
    Language Processing Disorder
    This is characterized by having extreme difficulty understanding what is heard and expressing what one wants to say. These disorders affect the area of the brain that controls language processing.
    Nonverbal Learning Disorders (NLD)
    These involve difficulties interpreting non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions and body language. They're usually characterized by a significant discrepancy between higher verbal skills and weaker motor, visual-spatial, and social skills.
    Visual Perceptual/Visual Motor Deficit
    A characteristic seen in people with learning disabilities such as Dysgraphia or Non-verbal LD. It can result in missing subtle differences in shapes or printed letters, losing place frequently, struggles with cutting, holding pencil too tightly, or poor eye/hand coordination.
  • Developmental
    Refers to a range of conditions that involve challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, and speech and nonverbal communication. They also involve unique strengths and differences. For instance, there are persons with both low- and high-functioning autism (some claim the latter is identical to Asperger's syndrome).
    Asperger's Syndrome
    On the autism spectrum, Asperger's is considered quite mild in terms of symptoms. While traits can vary widely, many kids with Asperger's struggle with social skills. They also sometimes fixate on certain subjects and engage in repetitive behaviour.
    Down syndrome
    his is associated with impairment of cognitive ability and physical growth, and a particular set of facial characteristics.
    Intellectual disability
    This is a condition characterized by significant limitations in intellectual functioning (e.g., reasoning, learning, and problem solving). Intellectual disabilities are also known as general learning disabilities (and used to be referred to as a kind of mental retardation).
    Williams syndrome
    This is a rare genetic disorder present at birth. It is characterized by intellectual disabilities or learning problems, unique facial features, and cardiovascular problems.
    Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
    Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is an umbrella term used to describe the range of effects that can occur in an individual whose mother consumed alcohol during pregnancy. These may include growth deficits, facial anomalies, and damage to the central nervous system, which can lead to cognitive, behavioural, and other problems.
  • Behavioral and Emotional
    Troubled behaviour / troubled teens
    roubled teens tend to have problems that are intense, persistent, and can lead to quite unpredictable behaviour. This can lead to behavioural and emotional issues, such as drug and alcohol abuse, criminal behaviour, eating disorders, depression, and anxiety.
    Clinical Depression
    This is a mental health disorder also called "major depression." It involves persistent feelings of sadness, loss, and anger. According to the Mayo Clinic, symptoms are usually severe enough to cause noticeable problems in relationships with others or in daily activities, such as school, work, or one's social life.
    Clinical anxiety
    This is a mood disorder involving intense, relentless feelings of distress and fear. They can also have excessive and persistent worry about everyday situations, and repeated episodes of intense anxiety or terror.
    Suicidal thoughts
    This involves persistent thoughts about ending one's life.
    Drug and alcohol abuse
    This involves the excessive use of drug and/or alcohol, which interferes with daily functioning.
    Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
    This is a disruptive behavioural disorder which normally involves angry outbursts, often directed at people of authority. This behaviour must last continuously for six months or more and significantly interfere with daily functioning.
  • Physical
    Multiple sclerosis
    This is a condition of the central nervous system. It affects the brain, optic nerves, and spinal cord. Symptoms can include fatigue, loss of motor control, memory loss, depression, and cognitive difficulties.
    Cerebral palsy
    his refers to a group of permanent movement disorders that appear in early childhood. CP is caused by abnormal development or damage to the parts of the brain that control movement, balance, and posture.
    Muscular dystrophy
    Muscular dystrophy is a neuromuscular disorder which weakens the body's muscles. Causes, symptoms, age of onset, and prognosis vary between individuals.
    Spina Bifida
    This is a condition present at birth due to the incomplete formation of the spine and spinal cord. It can lead to a number of physical challenges, including paralysis or weakness in the legs, bowel and bladder incontinence, hydrocephalus (too much fluid in the brain), and deformities of the spine.
    Dyspraxia (Developmental Coordination Disorder)
    This is a Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). Also known as "sensory integration disorder," it affects fine and/or gross motor coordination in children and adults. It may also affect speech.
    Visual impairment is a decreased ability or inability to see that can't be fixed in usual ways, such as with glasses. Some people are completely blind, while others have what's called "legal blindness."
    Hearing impairment, also known as "hearing loss," is a partial or total inability to hear. The degree of hearing impairment varies between people. It can range from complete hearing loss (or deafness) to partial hearing loss (meaning the ears can pick up some sounds).
    Cystic Fibrosis
    Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is an inherited genetic condition, which affects the body's respiratory, digestive, and reproductive systems. It affects young children and adults.
    Multiple physical
    Accommodating a wide range of physical conditions and disabilities.

Read our guide to special needs schools and special education

Academic support

Learning strategy and study counselling; habit formation
Extra support and minor accommodations for children experiencing subclinical difficulties

Mild but clinically diagnosed learning disabilities

Extra support

What Academie Providence says:

Nous adoptons la politique d'intégration et nous nous entendons avec les parents dont l'enfant a des besoins spéciaux pour contribuer à payer le temps d'appui pédagoqique offert à l'enfant par une personne ressource.

Additional support

Social skills programs
Occupational therapy
Speech-language therapy

Gifted learner support Dedicated gifted school

[Show definition of Gifted learner support]

Schools support students with gifted or advanced learning abilities in a several ways. Whether they offer a full-time gifted program or part-time support, they normally provide some form of accelerated learning (delivering content at a faster pace) or enrichment (covering content more broadly or deeply). Many schools also offer a wide range of in-class adaptations to support advanced learners, such as guided independent studies, project-based learning, and career exploration.

Curriculum Delivery: Acceleration and enrichment

There is an equal emphasis on acceleration and enrichment.

In-class adaptations

Program Offered
Custom subject enrichment (special arrangement)
Custom curriculum compacting (special arrangement)
Guided independent study (custom gifted arrangement)
Cyber-learning opportunities (custom gifted arrangement)
Formalized peer coaching opportunities (specifically for gifted learners to coach others)
Custom subject acceleration (special arrangement)
Career exploration (custom gifted arrangement)
Project-based learning (custom gifted arrangement)
Mentorships (custom gifted arrangement)

What Academie Providence says about their gifted learner support:

Nous n'avons pas de programme spécial pour les élèves surdoués, mais tout en respectant son rythme de travail, nous lui proposons des travaux enrichissants.

Homework Policy

[Show definition of Homework Policy]

Homework is work that's assigned to students for completion outside of regular class time. There's a long-standing debate over homework. Should homework be assigned to school-age children? If so, in what grades? And how much homework should be assigned? In selecting the right school for your child, it's important to look closely at a school's homework policy.

Nightly homework

In grade Gr. 8, Academie Providence students perform an average of 2 hours of homework per night.

Academie Providence0 mins0 mins15 mins30 mins45 mins45 mins60 mins60 mins90 mins120 mins120 mins
Site Average0 mins2 mins6 mins15 mins18 mins24 mins30 mins36 mins42 mins54 mins58 mins

This school frequently "flips the classroom": asks students to learn material at home and do the "homework" in-class (with teacher support).

What Academie Providence says about their flipped classroom policy:

Étude surveillée à l'école optionnelle et ne dépassant pas une heure et demie par jour pour cinq jours par semaine

Report Card Policy

[Show definition of Report Card Policy]

While all schools measure individual progress and achievement in students, they have different ways of doing this. For instance, many traditional schools gauge progress through report cards, which give students lettered or numbered grades. Other schools, meanwhile, measure progress in other ways, either in addition to or instead of giving grades. For instance, they may offer prose-based feedback (i.e, comments), academic achievement reporting, habits and behaviour reporting, and parent-teacher meetings. In choosing the right school for your child, take a close look at its policy for measuring the individual progress of students.

How assessments are delivered across the grades

Lettered or numbered gradesNursery/Toddler to Nursery/Toddler
Prose (narrative)-based feedbackGr. 1 to Gr. 6
Academic achievement reportingGr. 1 to Gr. 6

Extracurricular Activities

While academics remain the priority for most private schools, many also place a strong focus on a well-rounded education and encourage participation in extracurricular activities such as sports, music, arts, or clubs. Involvement in extracurriculars helps stimulate students in their studies, makes them more motivated to learn, and can make school more enjoyable and fulfilling. Extracurricular activities can also provide students with a much-needed break from the stresses of academics, while helping them to develop skills and allowing them to take part in valuable social situations.

Sports offered

Academie Providence offers 6 competitive sports and 7 recreational sports.

  Competitive offered          Recreational offered
all sports]
  • Archery
  • Curling
  • Ultimate
  • Badminton
  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Canoeing/Kayaking
  • Cricket
  • Cross-country skiing
  • Cycling
  • Downhill skiing
  • Equestrian
  • Fencing
  • Field Hockey
  • Figure Skating
  • Football
  • Golf
  • Gymnastics
  • Ice Hockey
  • Ice Skating
  • Lacrosse
  • Martial Arts
  • Mountain biking
  • Racquet Ball
  • Rowing
  • Rugby
  • Running
  • Sailing
  • Skateboarding
  • Snowboarding
  • Soccer
  • Softball
  • Squash
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Track & Field
  • Volleyball
  • Weightlifting
  • Wrestling

Clubs offered

Academie Providence offers 9 clubs and extracurricular programs.

  Clubs offered           Clubs not offered
all clubs and programs]
  Foreign Language Club
  Habitat for Humanity
  Jazz Ensemble
  Math Club
  Musical theatre/Opera
  Ballet and Classical Ballet
  Online Magazine
  Outdoor Club
  Outdoor Education
  Poetry/Literature club
  Radio club
  Robotics club
  Round Square
  School newspaper
  Science Club
  Student Council
  Art Club
  Astronomy Club
  Audiovisual Club
  Chess Club
  Community Service
  Computer Club
  Dance Club
  Debate Club
  Drama Club
  Environmental Club

What Academie Providence says about their extracurricular activities:

  • Our Extracurricular Activities: Piano, guitar, flute à bec, violin, folkloric dance, classic dance, robotics, karate, math mental, Spanish, gymnastics, choir, ping-pong.

THE OUR KIDS REPORT: Academie Providence

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