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Grades Preschool TO Gr. 12 — Victoria, BC (Map)

Westmont Montessori School:

Roundtable Q&A Discussion About Westmont Montessori School (2022)

Westmont Montessori School alumni, current students, and parents shared their insights on the school’s culture, values, strengths, and weaknesses. Hear what Naomi, Mattia had to say about the school.

Highlights from the Q&A discussion

Naomi — current parent

Naomi, a parent of two students at Westmont Montessori School, praises the school for its welcoming community, effective teaching methods, mixed-grade learning, and outdoor education. She values the school's ability to cultivate independence, passion, and conflict resolution skills in students.

  • We love Westmont Montessori School. I've been a parent at Westmont for seven years now. My son started when he turned three. And he's now in Grade 5. And then my daughter started when she was three as well. And she is now in Grade 2. I started volunteering with the school about four or five years ago and have really enjoyed that. I just love the school community, and my kids are so happy coming to school every day.

  • The Montessori method is a big reason for me. I would never want to lose that for my kids. I don't have an alternative to compare it to, for my children, but from what I’ve heard, it works so well for so many kids.

  • The school community is such a nice, welcoming community. I definitely hear that our school is more cohesive and welcoming and friendlier than many other schools. We just have that family feeling.

  • I love the location of the school. Witty's Lagoon, gorgeous, it’s a beautiful farm field. It was originally the location that drew us in. I thought, ‘Yes. That's where I want my kid to go to school.’ It has remained a huge draw for us, staying at the school and continuing. As they get older, there are so many different things they can enjoy, like little hikes in the woods. All the outdoor education is awesome. I wouldn't trade that for anything.

  • I really love the mixed grades. I'm always talking about that with other parents when kids go to other schools or if they're thinking about Montessori. It's great for the little ones to be in class with slightly older kids. Eventually, they graduate to be the person who's helping the little ones. When they get a bit older, they're sharing their learning with the younger kids, which cements their learning. That's just been so wonderful.

  • The Montessori method is what I appreciate the most because I can't imagine my kids learning any other way. They're so used to it. One thing that's really cute is that they play school. They set up activities based on what each student is into. The way they design the school, it's so Montessori. Kids learn with the materials that Montessori provides and in the way of following their interests and asking questions and answering them for themselves. They retain so much. They love the way their day flows. They're excited to go to school every day.

  • I think the values are being yourself and letting things happen naturally. I'm not involved in the day-to-day at the school, but it seems to me that it wouldn't be the type of place where someone would say, ‘You have to apologize.’ It would be like, ‘Let's work this out if there's a conflict.’ There is a natural conflict resolution, and certainly community. There's a calmness, a natural order that happens at the school, and you can feel it in the little kids' classrooms.

Mattia — alum

Mattia, an alumna of Westmont Montessori School, shared her views on the school's familiar environment, incredible flexibility, and supportive teachers, and how it fostered her independence and deepened her passions, creating a welcoming and unique learning experience.

  • One major takeaway from Westmont is the independence it has given me.  I feel 100% confident that I can handle challenges. I can now approach tasks without fear, whether it’s work, hobbies, or choosing future schools. Being less scared and more independent is something I believe I can achieve, thanks to the supportive environment at the school.

  • The grades and achievements come when you feel comfortable. So, letting go of the fear of not being perfect is crucial because the school helps you do okay without forcing you.

  • The teachers and staff at Westmont always approach us with understanding and empathy. They treat us as equals, unlike my experience in the public school system. The students here are incredibly polite and considerate. It's amazing how the school teaches life skills, and the little ones teach me so much too.

  • Everyone says hello, and we get a greeting every morning from the principal and the vice principal. The little efforts everyone puts into the school are incredible.

  • The diverse ages and personalities blend together beautifully, creating a unique learning environment.

  • The flexibility at Westmont is incredible. They can bend and twist assignments to incorporate things I love, like my favorite artists and musicians. No one questions me if I'm covered in paint; it’s just normal. They allow me to turn my passions into assignments and incorporate them into my grades. There's always room to negotiate, as my teacher says, and this flexibility has deepened my passions to levels I didn’t know existed.


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More video reviews

Alum, Hannah Smith (2022)

Watch our alum interview with Hannah Smith to learn about the unique experience of attending Westmont Montessori School.

Parent, Tricia Lang (2022)

Watch our parent interview with Tricia Lang to get the inside scoop on what it’s like to have a child attend Westmont Montessori School.

Parent, Luke Geiger (2022)

Watch our parent interview with Luke Geiger to get the inside scoop on what it’s like to have a child attend Westmont Montessori School.
See all video reviews (4 total)

More written reviews


Parent, Marc Manieri (2022)

We have 2 children at Westmont Montessori, 6th and 7th grade, ages 11 and 13, respectfully. The children absolutely love this school. We just relocated from the States (Orlando, FL). This was a br...


Parent, Michelle McClure (2022)

My children love this school. They adore their teachers and have a sense of pride and ownership of their educational experience. My eldest loves that he gets to choose which work he completes in a d...


Parent, Peter Scott (2022)

At Westmont, my daughters have felt safe, nurtured, and valued as individuals. They appreciate the freedom to explore what they are most interested in and to express themselves and their interests in ...
See all written reviews (4 total)

THE OUR KIDS REPORT: Westmont Montessori School

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