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Bond Academy - June 8, 2016

Bond Competed in U10 Track & Field Tournament

On June 1st, the Bond team with students aged 10 years or less went to compete in the U10 Track and Field Tournament in Brampton.

Fieldstone School - June 7, 2016

Year-end Evening of Culture Gala a huge success!

Families, friends, and faculty were treated to a fantastic year-end event featuring a phenomenal professional string quartet concert!

Académie de la Capitale - June 7, 2016

AcadeCoders ADVANCED!

New for AcadeCoders 2016 Summer Camp programme: Bootstrap, Sass, and Raspberry Pi

Academie Providence - June 7, 2016

The Parents Committee speech

Our children have not only learned the academics, they have also learned how to love, how to respect, how to care and believe.�

Academie Providence - June 5, 2016

"I will never forget you, dear friends." 6e 4

"I will never forget the days spent together at the Providence Academy"! I would miss you so much that I would cry."

Academie Providence - June 5, 2016

Remise des dipl�mes� la 6e 3

Le mot d'Ivan fut prononc� avec beaucoup d'�motion et de larmes qui n'ont pas manqu� d'inonder les yeux de ses camarades et de beaucoup...

Academie Providence - June 4, 2016

"Graduation" 6�me 2

Ce fut touchant d'�couter Mattea Anne Abou Fa��al s'adresser aux parents et Anthony Charbel remercier la communaut� educative.

Academie Providence - June 4, 2016

Bons souhaits de succ�s pour un futur parcours !

Ce n'est ni l'intelligence, ni l'effort que vous savez d�ployer, quand il le faut, qui va vous manquerait.

Academie Providence - June 3, 2016

C�r�monie de la remise des dipl�mes

�Cette f�te de fin d'ann�e est la meilleure fa�on de rendre hommage au travail accompli avec succ�s."

Bond Academy - June 1, 2016

Drama Play at Bond - Robin Hood: A British Pantomime

After months of preparation and rehearsals, 23 students from Bond's Drama Club produced the popular Robin Hood: A British Pantomime on stage

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