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Private School Expo: Don’t choose a school before attending the Expo. February 10, 2024     RSVP  

Music in school will develop your child at all levels

Why is music education so important to a child's development?

"If I was not a physicist, I would probably become a musician. I often think with music and imagine with music. I see my life in musical terms."

- Albert Einstein  continue reading...

List of schools

School  ( = Featured ) Grades Type Languages / Type
3 Monnet International School

Zbierska 5, Warszawa, 00-745
PS/Kindergarten (2,5 years) to Gr. 12 Diploma programme
International Baccalaureate
Middle years programme
Primary years programme
English, Polish
Diploma programme
International Baccalaureate
Middle years programme
Primary years programme
2 Przedszkole Baby City

ul. Zielona 42, Warszawa, 02-913
Nursery (2,5 years) to Gr. 0 Montessori
Polish Curriculum (Ministry of National Eduction, MEN)
Reggio Emilia
English, Spanish
Polish Curriculum (Ministry of National Eduction, MEN)
Reggio Emilia
0 Waldorfska Szkoła Podstawowa im. Cypriana Kamila Norwida
ul. Pocztowa 22, Bielsko-Biała, 43-309

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It has long been known that learning music goes hand-in-hand with better academic scores, and that children who play instruments not only learn math and reading more easily and effectively, but also have greater social courage. Why is this?

The strong influence of music on the brain has fascinated scientists for years. Research shows music affects us from the first moments of life. It promotes the formation of neuronal connections in the prenatal period, and babies often enjoy the kind of music they heard in the womb. Contrary to other fields of study, music activates all parts of the brain and stimulates the formation of alpha waves in it, responsible for focus and concentration. Music affects people throughout their lives, but the peak in the development of musical abilities is reached by the age of nine. This was proven by the famous music psychologist Edwin Gordon, and his method of teach rythmics has become world-renowned.

The British School Warsaw

Some schools, aware of the impact of music on people, put a special emphasis on it.

"Many educators claim that in today's children it is necessary to build character first. That is why, at The British School Warsaw, music education is an integral part of the general education of a little person," says the marketing manager at BSW. "To create, you need a lot of self-discipline, patience and willpower. In addition, music shapes the features desired on the modern labor market: creativity, critical thinking, and the so-called soft skills, e.g., ability to cooperate. For me personally, the most important thing in music education is that understanding and appreciating art shapes children into inquisitive, socially and culturally engaged citizens of the world, and these are the main values ​​of our international school."

The British School Warsaw has been cooperating with the Juilliard School, the architect of many world-class artists. The Juilliard program allows each child to be simultaneously a listener, composer, interpreter, and performer at the same time. From the age of five, children learn to play the keyboard, compose, and improvise according to the methods of the famous school, using a concert hall built according to its guidelines. Children are connected to the global Juilliard community network, regularly hosting foreign masters or touring in other countries.

Kindergarten Rubik Music School

Apart from influencing intellectual development, music has another great asset—it shapes emotions and attitudes. The Kindergarten Rubik Music School draws attention to this aspect. Piotr Rubik, a composer and co-founder of the kindergarten, introduces the program of "Live Music," which means combining classical music and entertainment. It is this aspect that the Rubik Music School Kindergarten draws attention to. Piotr Rubik, the composer and co-founder of the kindergarten, introduced a program of teaching children using the "Live Music" method, that is, surrounded by high-quality classical and entertaining music created by professionals. Although the majority of Rubik Music School graduates who want to continue their music education can easily enter 1st degree music schools, the kindergarten educates not so much instrumentalists as their attitudes.

Katarzyna Sobesto, Managing Director of RMS, points out:

"Children are taught in everyday activities to get familiar with the stage, use a microphone, and present themselves. Thanks to this, they gain boldness, break down barriers, and interact. I see a metamorphosis in many pupilsfrom shy and reserved, they become expressive and courageous, and they start to believe in their own potential. They can write their own compositions and present them later. These are invaluable social competences that bear fruit at school. Also, the weekly individual classes with a musician are a distinction for each child and a signal that they are appreciated, visible and listened to. Our children are constantly charged with a positive energy. We sing to them in Polish and English, in the morning and in the afternoon, we play music at the workshops and just like that, without any occasion. So they have a daily dose of endorphins provided."

The socially integrating role of music is noticed by educators in many countries. The Director of the Department of Early Childhood Education at Manhattanville College, Patricia Vardin, highlights the unifying property of music education:

"Making music with others gives a sense of belonging to a group. Children who usually do not join group activities because of shyness, poor knowledge of English or dysfunction, can confidently participate in music activities."

From the perspective of emotional development, the satisfaction that comes from teaching music in student-master individual classes translates into other school subjects—the child believes in their own abilities, sees the effects of their persistence and, as a consequence, achieves better results in general education.

Most children who have a music education at school will not find a professional stage with an instrument in their hands in their adult life, but they will forever have a more colorful perception of the world, developed logical thinking, sensitivity to art and ease of public speaking. Therefore, it is worth thinking about what music program would suit our children in the coming school year.

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