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International high schools in Poland

International Polish high schools and secondary schools

Education is an important aspect in the life of every young person. In connection with the reform of education, after the complete termination of junior high schools and the completion of an eight-year primary school, students will be able to continue their education in a secondary school (formerly a high school)—a general high school, technical college, or basic vocational school (now called an “industry school”).  continue reading...

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Choosing a high school isn’t easy, given the uncertainty in the current job market. However, graduating from a good school can be a big help in getting a strong start in adult life and getting into top-rate universities.

Popular schools include high schools and post-primary international schools. Most often these are private schools, and in many of them you can start your education from primary school. Although these are often much more expensive than traditional public schools, private high schools can be worth it. This is a good option for people interested in studying abroad. It opens many doors, which for graduates of traditional schools often become an insurmountable barrier.

How is an international school different from a traditional school?

The teaching system

What do graduates of these schools look like? Most often, classes are conducted mainly in a foreign language, so it should be assumed that an international school graduate will be bilingual. Learning subjects in a foreign language allows you to learn vocabulary and grammar much faster. In most international schools in Poland, English is used as the language of instruction. Some international schools also follow a different national curriculum from Poland, such as British, American, or German.

Graduating from one of these schools usually means earning an international high school diploma. Sometimes this is necessary for people who want to continue their education abroad at universities. Graduates also have the opportunity to receive a number of different certificates.

For example, in one of the American secondary schools in Warsaw, in addition to the high school final exams, they also receive an American certificate (high school diploma) accredited by the Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC). In one of the schools in Szczecin, education begins according to the Cambridge system (IGCSE). The second class (Polish system) starts a two-year course at the Diploma level (read also about IB Schools in Poland).

Modernity and tradition

Private international secondary schools, although focused on tradition, are also very modern. The investment in development is reflected in well-equipped studios, the best specialists in various fields teaching individual subjects, or well-equipped campuses, such as in one of the schools in Wrocław. Secondary international schools involve not only many hours of learning various subjects—there’s also an emphasis on learning about culture and art. Students are also educated in terms of their character and sensitivity to the needs of others, for example, in many such schools, students are encouraged to volunteer.

Cultural development

It’s worth mentioning the cultural aspect. International high schools often bring together students from many different countries, so getting to know another culture is at your fingertips. In one of the high schools in Warsaw, there’s a large group of French students, in another German or Russian. There are also schools at the embassies.

These schools often organize trips abroad, where you can meet not only young people from Europe, but also more distant countries such as the US, Australia, New Zealand, and countries in Asia. It’s also possible to pursue education in another country, as part of an international exchange with cooperating schools, for example, for one semester. The opportunity to explore the world is an extremely important factor when choosing such a high school.

Advantages of an international school

Often, international high schools are located in large cities (e.g., Warsaw, Wrocław, Kraków, Lublin, Szczecin, Łódź). However, this isn’t necessarily an obstacle for students from outside these centres, because some are equipped with boarding programs, such as one of the Warsaw schools, led by nuns. For parents, a big plus is the focus not only on education, but also on upbringing, because private schools focus on discipline and raising a young person in such a way that he can cope and thrive as an adult.

An international high school can be expensive. But it can also be a wise choice that’s worth the investment. Giving your child a chance to study abroad can pave the path for a better future. These schools open many doors in the international arena, and can enable you to make valuable international contacts. Graduates of these schools become citizens of the world with strong knowledge of a foreign language.

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