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Grades JK TO Gr. 12 — Kitchener, ON (Map)

Scholars’ Hall:

REVIEW OF Scholars’ Hall BY student, Vaan Vashishtha

  • Date of Review
    February 27, 2023
  • Grades
    Gr. 9 - Gr. 12 (current)
  • Gender
  • Enrollment
    Day Student

(5) Student Experience

My experience at Scholars' Hall has been exceptional, my teachers have truly shown me my full potential and have helped me reach it. The resources Scholars' Hall gave me have already helped me find success in a business that I founded! The students at Scholars' Hall have created a very welcoming environment where I have been able to truly be myself and find friends that have strong values with bright futures. Scholars' Hall is a very tight-knit wholesome community, I truly enjoy every event that is planned because they are all created with a lot of thought and care. Before I came to Scholars' Hall I didn't truly know what I wanted out of life or who I was, however, the experience at Scholars' Hall showed me my full potential and the person I can be.

(5) School Leadership

The leadership at Scholars' Hall is very strong while managing to also be approachable and welcoming. Our principal Mrs. McKee walks around almost every day checking in on the classes to ensure everyone is engaged and to get a better understanding of how everything is going in our school. She ensures to always have an understanding of everything going on with each and every student. Throughout my university application process, she has held my hand every step of the way to ensure I correctly apply and have the best chance at acceptance and so far every university I have applied to has accepted me, while still waiting on one more response. She always creates a very approachable image so any student feels comfortable talking with her about any issue.

(5) Teaching

The teachers at Scholars' Hall are probably my favorite part about the school, they truly care about every student and want the best life possible for us. I think of my teachers more like mothers and fathers because they are always supportive and they care about us like their own children. The school is very small so the teachers are able to give us more attention and ensure we are understanding all of the content. I would be remiss however if I did not mention my favorite teacher, Mr. DiMarco has taught me so many valuable skills that I use in the business I have founded, the skills he has taught me have helped me in attaining clients. He goes above and beyond to teach us the necessary course material and find time on top of that to help us with big things going on in our lives, in our business class he related our sales unit to my business so that I was able to practice my sales pitch to other people.

(5) Academics

I find that as I have gotten older the course content has become a lot better for me as an individual. In the first two grades of high school the majority of the courses we take are mandated by the government, however, in the last two years, I have been able to select courses that were more based on my interests. Scholars' Hall has provided many courses that have interested me. I have had the ability to choose from many courses that gave me the ability to try multiple different things and find exactly what I am interested in. This has allowed me to find where my interests lie and what I perform the best in, I was given the opportunity to do a law program which sparked my interest in it, leading me to apply and gain acceptance to law programs.

(5) Extracurriculars

At Scholars' Hall I was the president of the student council, this extracurricular brought me a lot of joy as I was able to bring joy to the whole school through events that we would plan. The election for the presidency created a small competition but it was very fun. There are many sports activities that go on throughout the year which allow for friendly competitions.

(5) Students

The students at Scholar's Hall create a very welcoming environment where students are able to focus entirely on their education without having to worry about socializing. Scholars' Hall has a very tight-knit environment where everyone knows each other so we all form friendships and work together to learn more effectively. The students at this school prioritize their education and create a fulfilling life for themselves. When I find that I am confused with anything regarding my education there is always a friend nearby whom I am able to ask for help. Everyone is prepared to help out with any issue whether it is a personal one or an educational one. When I first came to the school I had no issue making friends because everyone introduced themselves to me and was excited to be my friend.

(4.5) School Life

The school life at Scholars' Hall is great because when we have a spare period, we are free to use the lunchroom to spend our time. Some of my greatest memories in life were spent in that lunchroom during my spare. The gym is another great way you can spend a spare, there is a room full of school equipment that you are permitted to use on your spare, so if you ever are bored you always have the opportunity to do physical activity. There is also a quiet room where students can work on their schoolwork or any other work they have to get done. The classrooms are very large and they allow a lot of space for us to sit wherever we want.

(5) Community

The community at Scholars' Hall truly makes me feel at home. I have formed a very strong relationship with my teachers to the point where they feel like parents to me, always looking out for my best interest and teaching me the skills necessary for me to become the most successful version of myself. The students at Scholars' Hall feel like siblings to me because we learn from each other and we support each other through our biggest problems. There is always someone to talk to whenever I am struggling with something whether it's my friends, a teacher, or one of the administrative staff that is in the office. Especially since I became the student council president, students from every grade come up to me and said hi.

(3.5) School Location

This is a very honest review so I will say that the school location could be better. Before I could drive, we were only within walking distance from a Tim Hortons. Now they have opened up a Food Basics and a Dollaramma near us which is close enough to walk to. There is also a convenience store within walking distance so the school location has vastly improved.

(5) Admissions

The admissions process for me has been very smooth. My principal has guided me through every step of the process. Going to Scholars' Hall gave me a strong advantage which allowed me to gain acceptance from every school I have applied to, while still waiting on a response from one. My principal has shown me programs that allow me to gain a law degree with my undergrad degree. If it was not for her showing me those programs I probably would not have found them. I knew exactly how to apply to each program that I wanted because of my principal and I know for a fact that if I had any questions about anything she would be more than happy to schedule a meeting with me. She requires that you schedule at least one meeting with her to ensure that you fully understand the entire process, I know students that were scheduled for up to 5 meetings and she was happy to speak with them every single time.


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