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Scholars’ Hall

Grades JK TO Gr. 12 — Kitchener, ON (MAP)

Scholars’ Hall:

Pages in this report:

  • Grades
    JK — Gr. 12
  • Gender
  • Class Size
    15 — 16 students
  • Tuition
    $13,340 to 15,340/year
  • Language of instruction
  • Associations
  • Enrolment
    350 day students
  • Curriculum

School address

  • 888 Trillium Drive, Kitchener, Ontario, N2R 1K4 (MAP)
  • Busing not available

Our Perspective

How we see Scholars’ Hall

Fred Gore established Scholars’ Hall in 1980 for the best reason there is to begin a new school, namely to address a range of student need that wasn’t currently being met in the region. Known as the “Student Whisperer” Gore made it his life’s work to help students who were, for a range of reasons, unable to thrive in other academic institutions. He started the school with just one student—something that itself is telling of his desire to help families—and it grew steadily over time largely because of the success he had and the reputation that the school began to build. Now, more than four decades later, the focus is the same as it was then: to serve families, and to help students reach their potentials. While first paying specific attention to students with learning disabilities, the focus of the school broadened in time in the knowledge that every student benefits from personalised learning. Families are drawn to the smaller class sizes, the quality of the offering, and the close-knit, compassionate, student-centred learning experience.  

School's Perspective

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How Scholars’ Hall sees itself

The school administration answered our questions

Who are you, as a school?

"Scholars’ Hall is more than just a university preparatory school. We are a Jk to grade 12 school that fosters a love of learning. Because of our unique university system, our graduates go on to their first choice post-secondary school where their abilities place them in the top percentage of students in their first year. Family values and traditional teaching practices are the core of Scholars' Hall. With over 40 years of educational excellence, Scholars' Hall is the most desired private school in KW."

  • Full in-person program
  • Vocational teachers
  • Homework assigned and checked daily
  • Classes capped at 15
  • Monday to Friday 8:30am to 3:30pm
  • Clubs and activities
  • Traditional teaching practices
  • Traditional Math Program
  • Structured spelling and grammar
  • Study habits and work ethic

What do you do differently and uniquely well?

"Scholars' Hall is a family, first and foremost. When we intake a student, we are welcoming them into our family; they become an extension of us. With the parents, our goal is to raise, guide, nurture, and educate the child. The parent's role is to instill values and morals. Our role is to educate. Together our focus is to raise successful adults. It is this nurturing focus that makes Scholars' Hall truly unique."

What tradeoffs has your school made to serve families in this way?

"Scholars' Hall has made the pedagogical decision to be a low-technology school. With research supporting child and youth brain development through hand-to-paper skills, Scholars' Hall embraces traditional teaching methods such as lectors, note-taking, use of textbooks as resources, and structured written exams. The results our students see are remarkable. In addition to low-tech classrooms, we are also a non-cell phone school for both our students and staff for the full duration of the day - including lunch and breaktimes. This elimination of distractions allows students to fully focus on the lessons at hand as well as develop strong social skills that are lacking in our children today."

What type of student is a good fit for your school?

"The ideal Scholars' Hall student is well-mannered and polite, is excited about learning, and is looking to improve their academic skills and abilities. Students who get the most out of Scholars' Hall are open to the leadership, academic, and social opportunities that Scholars' Hall offers."

Under what conditions would you advise a family against choosing your school?

"Families looking to have technology fully integrated into the classroom might not find our traditional teaching approach appealing."

To your knowledge, why do families choose your school over others?

"First, our reputation for educational excellence is second to none. We are a firmly established school for over 40 years and Scholars' Hall is well-known in the KW area. Second, we offer significant sibling tuitions. It is our belief that a family should not have to pick which child receives the best education possible. Lastly, we are a JK to grade 12 year and many of our families have children in multiple grades."

How would you characterize your school's image amongst the public?

"Scholars' Hall has a strong reputation for preparing students to become highly successful adults in both their personal and professional lives."

What aspect of your school is underappreciated?

"Families often comment on how polite and respectful our students are. We expect our students to use manners in their interactions with their fellow students, teachers, administrators, and parents. We teach and coach our students how to be aware of others to develop the concept of politeness and respect."

What might families find surprising about your school?

"Families have expressed relief when we take them on a tour. Parents feel that our focus on traditional learning is refreshing. They are happy to see the students using textbooks, writing in cursive, having structured spelling tests, and being expected to write traditional math tests. Many parents are surprised that they recognize our classroom expectations since it is very similar to what they experienced."

What improvements or changes has your school made recently?

"Scholars' Hall has recently (summer of 2023) added a 10-classroom expansion. With over 200 families waiting for a seat in Scholars' Hall, it was necessary to expand our current building. The beautiful expansion was completed for September 2023 and allows Scholars' Hall to have a maximum population of 400 students."

School Facilities

Photo-tour of facilities



Insider Perspectives

How people from the school’s community see Scholars’ Hall

Written reviews of Scholars’ Hall


Parent, Anita Krawiec (2023)

JK (current),JK (current) — As a proud parent, I am delighted to share my experience with Scholars Hall, which has been a great ...


Parent, Maia Shapley (2023)

Gr. 6 (current) — My seventeen-year-old son is a confident and brilliant student at Scholars' Hall, set to graduate fr...


Student, Vaan Vashishtha (2023)

Gr. 9 (current) — My experience at Scholars' Hall has been exceptional, my teachers have truly shown me my full potent...
See all written reviews (5 total)

School leadership

Top-down influence on the school’s direction and tone

Message from school leadership

Cherylynne McKee, Mrs
BA, BEd, MPEd, EdD Candidate

Welcome to Scholars' Hall Private School! It is an absolute pleasure and joy to introduce to you my amazing school, staff, and students. Scholars' Hall is much more than a school, it is a family. Once you become part of our school, we are completely and totally dedicated to your academic, social, and character development. Family is at the core of everything we do at Scholars' Hall and our curriculum and social environment echoes that. Our curriculum is focused on traditional teaching practices - reading, writing, and arithmetic. Our classrooms are welcoming and warm. Our staff is knowledgeable and passionate. Indeed, I believe we are the best school in all of Southern Ontario. Our main goal continues to be to provide the richest environment possible so that the child will have all post-secondary options open to them. You give us great kids, and we turn them into incredible students and very successful adults. 


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