Montessori Learning Centre of Pickering logo

Montessori Learning Centre of Pickering

Grades Nursery/Toddler TO Gr. 8 — Pickering, ON (MAP)

Montessori Learning Centre of Pickering:

Pages in this report:

  • Grades
    Nursery/Toddler — Gr. 8
  • Gender
  • Class Size
  • Tuition
    $12,000 to 14,000/year
  • Language of instruction
  • Associations
  • Enrolment
    200 day students
  • Curriculum
    Progressive & Montessori
  • Next open house
  • Application Deadline

School address

  • 401 Kingston Road, Pickering, Ontario, L1V 1A3 (MAP)
  • Busing available (View details)

School Busing:

Montessori Learning offers bus transferring. Service options offered are regular rider, occasional rider.

The regions Montessori Learning offers busing from are:

  • Pickering

Additional notes: Bussing is offered as a service between locations - primarily for families with students at both locations but additional seats can be used, as needed, by others

Our Perspective

How we see Montessori Learning Centre of Pickering

Often what attracts parents to Montessori education is the close, community feel that many schools are able to provide, and that’s very true of MLCP. The school began in 1984 with 25 students, and growth has been less of a concern for its administrators than quality. The student population today is just 200, this in a program that spans preschool through Grade 8. Yes, there are all of the things we expect of the Montessori approach, though that’s coupled with a very close attention to the needs of individuals, both students and parents combined. Before and after care is available, and while it’s not included in tuition, the rates are very reasonable. Likewise, those programs are entirely flexible—parents pay only for what they use. In that, and in other ways, this is a school that really operates with the needs of its families foremost in mind.

School's Perspective

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How Montessori Learning Centre of Pickering sees itself

The school administration answered our questions

Who are you, as a school?

"MLCP caters to infants through 14 years. To further enrich the Montessori curriculum, the school offers French, Physical Education and Music, with Home Economics, Civics, Computer and community service for the older students. The school welcomes the alumni who return for visits and second generation students. Celebrating 40 years in education, we acknowledge the established methodologies of Maria Montessori and the whole life education still so intrinsic to today's students."

What do you do differently and uniquely well?

"The individualization that the Montessori program offers allows staff to recognize and hone individual learning styles empowering students to be working at potential. Our long term staff share years of dedicated experience with students. Our commitment to the development of the student as a whole person is supported by a myriad of opportunities to grow and thrive."

What key junctures in your school's history have most shaped its present?

"opened in 1984 with 25 students
established PTA in 1986
moved in 1991 to present location purchasing the property in 1995
expanded to include the two neighboring properties in 1997 and 2003
introduced the infant program in 1996
grew into the upper elementary grades in 1993
acquired independent location for upper elementary 2019"

What type of student is a good fit for your school?

"As Montessori's method individualizes for each child's learning style many students excel in the classrooms. Strengths are potentialized and areas for growth are supported. Families wanting a "whole person" learning environment where academic, social, community responsibility and courtesy, compliment and balance each other, will recognize Montessori for the established education it has become."

Under what conditions would you advise a family against choosing your school?

"While Montessori caters to many learning styles, some students are better served in smaller classrooms where individualization and support can be more personally consistent."

To your knowledge, why do families choose your school over others?

"Our long history in Pickering has allowed us the privilege of sharing all we offer with many families. Our program is a solid and acknowledged one growing and changing over the years, based on family needs and feedback. MLCP respects and appreciates the referrals from those who have come before and continually strives to better in all we offer."

How would you characterize your school's image amongst the public?

"With our long term standing in the area and with students revisiting to register their children, our reputation feels well established. We are fortunate to have a low staff turnover supporting much academic experience to share with students."

What might families find surprising about your school?

"Ongoing feedback often refers to appreciation for the individualization of all that we offer with each student and family. Especially with longer attending students, the dedication of the long term staff and the respect shared between them for differences and accomplishments is often noted. The uniqueness of each student is valued.
While a repeated acknowledgement of a "family feel" environment is often shared, this comes from a mutual respect that develops between families and staff over time."

Insider Perspectives

How people from the school’s community see Montessori Learning Centre of Pickering

Video reviews of Montessori Learning Centre of Pickering

Parent, Kim Gervais (2021)

Watch our parent interview with Kim Gervais to get the inside scoop on what it’s like to have a child attend Montessori Learning Centre of Pickering.

School leadership

Top-down influence on the school’s direction and tone

Message from school leadership

Nicola Phillips, Principal

Nicola Phillips opened the Montessori Learning Centre in Pickering in 1984 with the view to offering the Montessori environment in the way that had excited her during her training.  The school continues to be devoted to the individualized nurturing and deveopment of each student encouraging potential in each area of the curriculum. Stong subject areas are honed and potentialized and areas in need of attention are recognized and strengthened. The nurturing element of Montessori's method is exercised at all levels with both students and staff respecting differences and encouraging growth in all areas both academic and social.

THE OUR KIDS REPORT: Montessori Learning Centre of Pickering

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