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Lakefield College School:
The Our Kids Report > Reviews
Grades Gr. 9 TO Gr. 12 — Lakefield, ON (Map)


REVIEW OF Lakefield College School BY parent, YU RUIHUI

  • Date of Review
    July 28, 2022
  • Child 1
    Gr. 9 - Gr. 11 (Female, Current Boarding Student)

(4.5) Student Experience

My daughter Judy has stayed in LCS for 3 school years. My wife and I can feel that she is happy and enjoys school life very much. She likes the beautiful school environment with a nice lake close to her dorm. Judy also enjoys the abundant facilities and places that the school provides which lets her learn and exercise with a firm foundation. The points she appreciates are the teachers and staff in LCS, they take care of my daughter very nicely and provide lots of warm activities for boarding students, especially on the days they are not able to come back to China during the holidays and quarantine periods. These days she's staying with us for the summer holidays and sharing with us lots of happy moments she experienced in LCS for the past school year. We could feel the education by LCS change and make her kinder and more sincere.

(4.5) School Leadership

We always think LCS has a very professional leadership and administration team, they use their long years of education experience to manage the school. They could respond to problems appropriately, and foster a positive school environment. They handle discipline issues fairly and judiciously. They communicate effectively with students and parents, online meetings with parents are the normal way for them to communicate with us, meanwhile, they arrange different meeting schedules for the parents from different countries because of the time difference.

(4.5) Teaching

We feel the teachers in LCS are all very professional and passionate, my daughter has learned not only the academic classes but also lots of useful skills in life, and now she is very interested in cooking food. Last night we enjoy the dish she made for us. We are happy with the quality of instruction, every school year Judy could have one or two rewards such as maths/French/drawing and also she had an average score of no less than 97. They communicate effectively and provide constructive feedback. We could feel that my daughter receives both the challenges and the support that she requires, many teachers encouraged Judy to try more challenges, go outdoors close to nature and make more friends in school.

(4.5) Academics

We feel that the academic program at LCS is flexible and focuses on the exploration of the potential ability of the student, for example, AP program could let some students prepare the institute lesson earlier. In the past several school years the student experienced flexible lesson modules and remote learning, which helped them to learn more according to the different conditions of each student in the pandemic period. The school provides quick and efficient action to deal with the difficulty which is based on the long-term tradition at LCS. The school cultivates a flexible and personalized academic culture and atmosphere. We feel the academic program at LCS, especially the AP program, can help students to apply to their favourite institute and it truly supports them.

(5) Extracurriculars

The school offered a lot of extracurricular opportunities in many areas for the student, such as cooking, climbing, riding and yoga which my daughter is a favourite. The student could enjoy the fun during the competition. The school is providing the right context to develop well-rounded students, the student could approach lots of areas in life outside the academic program and learn more skills for future life.

(5) Students

My daughter is slim and healthy, she is strong willed and has a clear target for life and study. She develops in LCS under beautiful and happy conditions. She likes to ride and climb which makes her more slim and tall. Last month she come back home after a long flight and quartine period in a city near Shanghai, actually it's not an easy job for a young girl but she is very quiet to face testing several times before the departure and long time wearing a mask and 18 positive cases in the same plane. The dependence makes her more and more strong. She is very happy to interact and get along with her schoolmates, we often heard from her to share her story in school.

(4.5) School Life

Generally speaking the quality of student life at Lakefield College School is full of happiness and love. My daughter does love to go to school and is proud to be a member of the campus. The professional management team and the passional teachers and staff are trying their best to improve the quality of life of its students. They communicate with the parents and students in different ways, including inviting the parents to the campus or having the meeting online, hosting the students at Anne's home and boat to sharing the idea with each other, the school members try lots of ways to improve the quality of school life. The long history of the school and professional team make excellent school life possible and continue improving.

(4.5) Community

The school is very focused on the broader community and the parent community. We are often attending the parent meetings online as we can't participate in the meeting onsite. Anyway, the school welcomes the parents to get involved in the life of the school. One more thing: the school arranges for one Chinese teacher to service the communication between the school and the parents beside one teacher responsible for the international students. She shares lots of information in the Wechat group and also some parents would like to present their ideas and suggestions to the school management through this teacher. Sometimes the parents would like to contact the school management by email directly by themselves. I feel the school could provide more opportunities for parental involvement in the life of the school, anyway the school has done a good job in this area.

(4.5) School Location

We are very satisfied with the school location and the surrounding neighbourhood. It is located in a small and safe town, with a shopping center and some delicious restaurants nearby in which the students could buy and eat on the weekend. Meanwhile, the school sometimes arranges for the students to go to Peterborough by bus in 20 minutes, it has more shopping areas and restaurants.

(4.5) Admissions

We are still impressed with the application process and interview with my daughter 3 years ago. It's a very wonderful experience for the process, the response from the admissions officer is very quick, just 1-2 days after the receipt of complete applicant documents the officer contacts us to appoint the interview schedule. I remember that the interview is around 1 hour and my daughter is talking with the officer very well, she was guided to talk a lot about herself and express her confidence and potential skill, throughout the interview we all feel we are fit for each other. Actually, some Chinese students visit the campus onsite and communicate with the officer, it would help them to recognize each other and is also highly recommended to the potential family of LCS.


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Key insights on Lakefield College School

Each school is different. Lakefield College School's Feature Review excerpts disclose its unique character. Based on discussions with the school's alumni, parents, students, and administrators, they reveal the school’s distinctive culture, community, and identity.

See key insights about Lakefield College School

Our Kids Feature Review

The 50-page review of Lakefield College School is part of our series of in-depth accounts of Canada's leading private schools. It provides a unique and objective perspective on the school's academics, programs, culture, and community.

  • An emphasis on the full spectrum of learning, including social, physical, and academic development.
  • A close, connected school community and a faculty that knows the students from the time they enter the school until the time they graduate from it.


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THE OUR KIDS REPORT: Lakefield College School

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